Sunday, April 29, 2012

Running Around 4•29•12

Running Around 4•29•12

Week 22 • Spring Training 2012

I always feel like Dogwood kicks off the real heart of the Spring racing season. Good to see many of you out there this weekend. Plenty of races are available over the next month, and your fitness should be getting close to peak. Now is the time to take advantage of all the hard work we've been doing. Get out there and race!

This week we're going to work on 10k-specific strength - either 800m or 1000m repeats (depending on your speed) at halfway between T & I paces.

For example, if your T pace per lap if 100 seconds and your I pace per lap is 80 seconds, then this workout would be run at 90 seconds per lap. Rest will be short - 200m in 90 seconds with some adjustments allowed based on pace. So please read the details. I'll bring a print out with me to the track for anyone who needs it.


1. 4-8 x 1000m @I/T pace
with 200m jog in 90-120 seconds


2. 3-5x 1600m @T pace
 w/60 seconds rest


3. Striders


Distance adjustments: If your time to run 1000m at this pace exceeds 5 1/2 minutes, then run 800m repeats instead.

Time adjustments: If your time exceeds 4:30, take 90-100 seconds rest. If your time exceeds 5:00, take 90-120 seconds rest. If your time exceeds 5:30, take 90-120 seconds rest.  Maximum rest is 2 minutes. If jogging 200m in less than 2 minutes is too fast, then shorten the jog distance to 100m.

50+ mpw: 7-8x1000
40-50 mpw: 6-7x1000
30-40 mpw: 5-6x1000
30 mpw or less: 4x1000

or adjustments for 800m runners:

45-50 mpw: 8-9x 800m
40-45 mpw: 7-8x 800m
35-40 mpw: 6-7x 800m
25-30 mpw: 5-6x 800m
25 mpw or less: 4-5x 800m


This is an optional 2nd workout for Thurs/Fri 

Run 1 for each 10 miles of weekly mileage (e.g. 4x 1600m for 40 miles per week).


At least once this week 4-6x 100m



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Sunday, April 22, 2012

Running Around 4•22•12

Running Around 4•22•12

Week 21 • Spring Training 2012

We've got one of the top races of the Spring, Dogwood 5k, coming up this week. Also there is mile race on Friday if you are looking to test your top-end speed. So, we're going to back off a tiny little bit and do a mini-sharpening workout.

Start with 200m repeats @R pace with equal distance jog recovery. Followed by some T work. We'll finish up with a matching set of 200s to make an R-T-R sandwich. More details in the summary below.

Keep the 200s under control. Remember efficiency and economy are the key. Don't overexert to get an extra second. Better to back off to 98% and run smoothly. When you switch to the T pace, hold back that first lap. You're going to be temped to run it too fast following the R-pace of the 200s. 

This  workout is a little lighter in volume than usual, so feel free to add on some additional 200s if you want more mileage on the track. If you decide to do that, keep it balanced with the same number at the beginning and end.


1. R-T-R " sandwich"


2. 3-5x 1600m @T pace
 w/60 seconds rest


3. Striders


Equal distance jog for recovery following 200s. 60s between T intervals. Breakdown based on weekly mileage:

50 mpw: 4x 200m@R + 2 x 1600m @T + 4x 200m @R
45 mpw: 3x 200m@R + 2 x 1600m @T + 3x 200m @R
40 mpw: 2x 200m@R + 2 x 1600m @T + 2x 200m @R
35 mpw: 3x 200m@R + 2 x 1200m @T + 3x 200m @R
30 mpw or less: 2x 200m@R + 2 x 1200m @T + 2x 200m @R


This is an optional 2nd workout for Thurs/Fri 

Run 1 for each 10 miles of weekly mileage (e.g. 4x 1600m for 40 miles per week).


At least once this week 4-6x 100m



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Sunday, April 15, 2012

Running Around 4•15•12

Running Around 4•15•12

Week 20 • Spring Training 2012

We're beginning the heart of the Spring racing season. From now until the end of May, you'll have tons of opportunities to race. The work we've been doing since January has been setup to get us racing really well over the next 6 weeks or so.

To work on turnover, speed, and running economy, we'll go back to 400s this week. Keep in mind that while running fast, we also want to be smooth and in control. It's better to back off just slightly to run efficiently than flail and strain just to hit a particular time.

Good luck to everyone running in Boston!! The weather is predicted to be very warm. Please be smart and safe. Adjust your goals, and slow down. I know that's easy for me to say since I'm not the one that has invested the effort, sacrificed the time, and spent the money to be there. But Boston is not a PR-type course anyway. Use it as an opportunity to enjoy the crowds and soak up the whole Boston experience.


1. 4-12 x 400m @R pace
w/ 400m jog recovery


2. 3-5x 1600m @T pace
 w/60 seconds rest


3. Striders


Volume (not including rest) should be 5% of your weekly mileage.

50 mpw: 10-12 x 400m w/400m jog recovery
45 mpw: 9 x 400m w/400m jog recovery
40 mpw: 8 x 400m w/400m jog recovery
35 mpw: 7 x 400m w/400m jog recovery
30 mpw: 6 x 400m w/400m jog recovery
25 mpw: 5 x 400m w/400m jog recovery
20 mpw or less: 4 x 400m w/400m jog recovery


This is an optional 2nd workout for Thurs/Fri 

Run 1 for each 10 miles of weekly mileage (e.g. 4x 1600m for 40 miles per week).


At least once this week 4-6x 100m



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Sunday, April 08, 2012

Running Around 4•8•12

Running Around 4•8•12

Week 19 • Spring Training 2012

Happy Easter!

We're going back to 1200m repeats again this week. This is a bread & butter workout for 5k/10k training. We'll keep the restriction that if you can't do 1200m in 5 minutes or less, drop down to 1000m instead. If you're just a few seconds over but really close to 5 minutes, it's OK to do the 1200s if you want to. However, we're dropping the maximum rest down to 3:45, which should still be enough to jog a lap.


1. 3-8x 1200m @I pace
 w/200-400m jog recovery


2. 3-5x 1600m @T pace
 w/60 seconds rest


3. Striders


Rest should be 3-5 minutes not to exceed your interval time. Volume should be 7-8% of weekly mileage for the hard running. Run 1000m repeats if you cannot complete 1200m in less than 5 minutes.

If you are running 1200s a good rule of thumb is one repeat for every 10 miles of weekly mileage (e.g. 4x 1200m for 40 miles per week). You can probably jog a full 400m for rest, but it's OK to do 300m or 200m if that's all the ground you can cover in your allotted time. Keep the rest time under 3:45 this week no matter how long the repeats take.

Recommendations for 1000s based on weekly mileage ...
50 mpw: 6-7 x 1000m @I pace w/200m jog
45 mpw: 5-6 x 1000m @I pace w/200m jog
40 mpw: 5 x 1000m @I pace w/200m jog
35 mpw: 4-5 x 1000m @I pace w/200m jog
30 mpw: 4 x 1000m @I pace w/200m jog
25 mpw or less: 3 x 1000m @I pace w/200m jog


This is an optional 2nd workout for Thurs/Fri 
Run 1 for each 10 miles of weekly mileage (e.g. 4x 1600m for 40 miles per week).


At least once this week 4-6x 100m



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Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Running Around 4•2•12

Running Around 4•2•12

Week 18 • Spring Training 2012

I hope everyone enjoyed the big Covenant Health Knoxville Marathon weekend! The city of Knoxville, the track club, and all of the volunteers did a fantastic job. It just keeps getting better and better every year.

If you ran the full marathon, take some time to recover. I would recommend just easy running and nothing longer than an hour for a couple of weeks. If you ran the half, and you're tired and a little sore like I am, then give yourself a few extra days to recover. I probably won't do the workout until Thursday or Friday. If you're not working out on Tuesday, I recommend an easy run about 60-80 minutes.

Now that the long distance races are over for spring, our workouts will be moving toward short and faster repeats and intervals. With that in mind, we'll be doing 400s this week.


1. 4-12 x 400m @R pace
w/ 400m jog recovery


2. 3-5x 1600m @T pace
 w/60 seconds rest


3. Striders


Volume (not including rest) should be 5% of your weekly mileage.

50 mpw: 10-12 x 400m w/400m jog recovery
45 mpw: 9 x 400m w/400m jog recovery
40 mpw: 8 x 400m w/400m jog recovery
35 mpw: 7 x 400m w/400m jog recovery
30 mpw: 6 x 400m w/400m jog recovery
25 mpw: 5 x 400m w/400m jog recovery
20 mpw or less: 4 x 400m w/400m jog recovery


This is an optional 2nd workout for Thurs/Fri 

Run 1 for each 10 miles of weekly mileage (e.g. 4x 1600m for 40 miles per week).


At least once this week 4-6x 100m



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