Monday, May 31, 2010

Running Around 5-31-10

Happy Memorial Day!

Expo was the peak race for our Spring training cycle. With the end of the training cycle, it's best to take some time off to rest and recuperate. Typically this means some time off from running. Cross training can be done, but it's not a requirement. Anywhere from 7-10 days is an appropriate amount.

We use a periodized approach to training, and REST is a very important part of that. You can't be running at your best all the time, so we pick a few times during the year to be in peak shape and build a training schedule around those.

After some down time, we start back up with base training. So the next month or so is going to be easy road/greenway runs.

However, I realize not everyone is on the same schedule. So if you're still racing, pick your favorite workout from the month of May to stay sharp.

If you just want to continue with track work for maintenance, here is the official summer training plan.

Finally, I will not be at the track during the month of June. I will be with my son doing KTC youth athletics on Tuesdays and Thursdays. So please help any newer runners that have joined us or show up in my absence.

Week 1 of base training/rest .... Now for the workout summary:

1. pick one ...
a. Rest week or road run
b. If you're still racing, pick your favorite workout from the month of May.
c. Maintenance mode or low intensity:

Use a recent race to get your training paces here:

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Running Around 5-24-10

This week we'll do a final tune-up workout for Expo. If you keep to the prescribed paces, you should finish the workout feeling invigorated instead of fatigued. Given the quality of the workouts we've completed this Spring, this one should feel surprisingly easy.

I'm going to list the maximum you should do based on weekly mileage. Feel free to cut it down based on how you are feeling. We're going to do a combination of 1200s at T-pace followed by some 400s and/or 200s at R-pace.

You guys have posted some great results in the last month or so. It's proof that hard work and consistency pays off! I expect that will continue this weekend with some fast times at Expo. Get out there, have fun, and run fast!

Final week of Spring 2010 training. 5 training days until Expo. Now for the workout summary:

1. Mix ... 1-3 x 1200m @T pace w/60 seconds rest + 1-2 x 400@R pace with 400m jog + 1-4 x 200@R pace with 200m jog. By weekly mileage ....

45+ mpw: 3x1200@T w/60s + 2x400m@R w/400m jog + 3x200@R w/200 jog
40 mpw: 2x1200@T w/60s + 2x400m@R w/400m jog + 3x200m@R w/200m jog
35 mpw: 2x1200@T w/60s + 2x400m@R w/400m jog + 2x200m@R w/200m jog
30 mpw: 2x1200@T w/60s + 1x400m@R w/400m jog + 2x200m@R w/200m jog
<= 25 mpw: 1200@T w/60s + 1x400m@R w/400m jog + 3x200m@R w/200m jog

2. Striders two times this week. 4-6 x 100m

Use a recent race to get your training paces here:

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Running Around 5-17-10

We're getting close to the end of the season, so you should be in great shape and racing fast. The next two weeks will be easier workouts that focus on peaking for Expo 5k/10k in 12 days.

This week we'll go back to 400m repeats. However, we're going to do a few less reps and back off the pace slightly to make it more of a taper/sharpening workout. For pace, let's run at R-pace + 2-3 seconds. For example, if you normally run 400m in 90 seconds, do this workout at 92-93 seconds per 400m. Also, in order to lighten the workload, we'll do fewer repeats than 2 weeks ago. The key for this workout is relaxed, efficient, smooth speed. Concentrate on good form and quick turnover.

Week 18 of Spring 2010 training. 12 training days until Expo. Now for the workout summary:

1. 4-10 x 400m @R-pace + 2 seconds with 400m jog recovery. Recommendations based on weekly mileage:

50 mpw: 8 x 400m w/400m jog recovery
45 mpw: 7 x 400m
w/400m jog recovery
40 mpw: 6 x 400m w/400m jog recovery
35 mpw: 5 x 400m w/400m jog recovery
30 mpw or less: 4 x 400m w/400m jog recovery

2. Striders at least once this week 4-6x 100m.

[Optional 2nd weekly workout Thurs/Fri] : 2x 3200m @T pace with 2 minutes rest. Cut it down to 2x 2400@T pace with 90 seconds rest if you run less than 35 miles per week.

Use a recent race to get your training paces here:

Monday, May 10, 2010

Running Around 5-10-10

We're going to do something new this week - either 800m or 1000m repeats (depending on your speed) at 5k pace. This should be very close to your I-pace. Rest will be short - 1 minute with some adjustments allowed based on pace. So please read the details. I'll bring a print out with me to the track for anyone who needs it.

I'm a little unsure of how difficult this workout will be since we haven't done it before, so please give me some feedback afterward. Also, I'm going to give some options that will allow you to adjust the rest.

Distance adjustments: If your time to run 1000m at 5k pace exceeds 4 minutes, then run 800m repeats instead.
Time adjustments: If your time exceeds 4:00, take 70 seconds rest. If your time exceeds 4:30, take 80 seconds rest. If your time exceeds 5:00, take 90 seconds rest.
Difficulty adjustments: If you find it too difficult to hold goal pace, add 15 seconds to your rest interval.

Week 17 of Spring 2010 training. Now for the workout summary:

1. 4-7 x 1000m @5k pace with 60 seconds rest. Recommendations based on weekly mileage:

50+ mpw: 7x1000
40-50 mpw: 6x1000

30-40 mpw: 5x1000
30 mpw or less: 4x1000

or adjustments for 800m runners:

45-50 mpw: 8x 800m
40-45 mpw: 7x 800m

35-40 mpw: 6x 800m
25-30 mpw: 5x 800m
25 mpw or less: 4x 800m

2. Striders at least once this week 4-6x 100m.

[Optional 2nd weekly workout Thurs/Fri] : 2x 3200m @T pace with 2 minutes rest. Cut it down to 2x 2400@T pace with 90 seconds rest if you run less than 35 miles per week.

Use a recent race to get your training paces here:

Monday, May 03, 2010

Running Around 5-3-10

Pure and simple this week. 400m repeats. Fast but in control. Concentrate on quick turnover, smooth strides, and staying relaxed - especially in the last 150m or so. It's better to back of the speed ever so slightly than to strain and flail to hit a particular time.

Looking ahead for the remainder of this training cycle:

Week of 5/10: 1000's with short rest
Week of 5/17: 400's just like this week but fewer in number
Week of 5/22: Taper workout T pace 1200's with some R-pace 200's or 400's.
5/29: Expo 5k/10k race

Week 16 of Spring 2010 training. Now for the workout summary:

1. 4-12 x 400m @R pace with 400m jog recovery. Volume (not including rest) should be 5% of your weekly mileage.

50 mpw: 10 x 400m w/400m jog recovery
45 mpw: 9 x 400m
w/400m jog recovery
40 mpw: 8 x 400m w/400m jog recovery
35 mpw: 7 x 400m w/400m jog recovery
30 mpw: 6 x 400m w/400m jog recovery
25 mpw: 5 x 400m
w/400m jog recovery
20 mpw or less: 4 x 400m w/400m jog recovery

2. Striders at least once this week 4-6x 100m.

[Optional 2nd weekly workout Thurs/Fri] : 2x 3200m @T pace with 2 minutes rest. Cut it down to 2x 2400@T pace with 90 seconds rest if you run less than 35 miles per week.

Use a recent race to get your training paces here: