Monday, April 28, 2008

Running Around 4-28-08

We'll stick with the fast stuff this week. We'll do mini ladder sets : 200m, 400m, 600m. Recovery jogs are 200m, 400m, 400m. So, one set is: 200m @R, 200m jog, 400m@R, 400m jog, 600m @R, 400m jog. Repeat the set to reach your desired mileage goal. This is a running economy and strength workout, so keep the form fluid and under control while running fast.

Recommended number of sets based on weekly mileage:

20 mpw: 1 set + 400m@R
25 mpw: 2 sets (drop the second 600m)
30 mpw: 2 sets
35 mpw: 3 sets (drop the last 600m)
40 mpw: 3 sets (drop the last 400m)
45 mpw: 3 sets
50 mpw: 3 sets + 600m@R

Now for the workout summary ... 4 weeks until Expo 10k & 5k:

1. Sets of (200m, 400m, 600m) @R pace with 200m, 200m, 400m jog recovery. Hard running is 5% of weekly mileage.

2. Striders TWO times this week. 4-6 x 100m

3. Optional second workout: continuous 20 minute run @T pace.

Use a recent race to get your training paces here:

Monday, April 21, 2008

Running Around 4-21-08

We're getting into the heart of racing season now with the Dogwood 5k coming up this weekend. At this point in our training cycle we will starting to work on sharpening and eventually tapering for our peak race, Expo 10k & 5k. Even if you are not focusing on Expo, the training we have done (along with the next few weeks' workouts) should have you in great racing form throughout the next 6-7 weeks or so.

We should have a nice, warm day tomorrow for some fast track work ... 400s. These are run at a pace close to what you could run for a mile race. They are not all out, but they are very close to that. Focus on running fast but in control. Focus on quick turnover and good form.

Now for the workout summary ... 5 weeks until Expo 10k & 5k:

1. 5-20 x 400m @R pace with400m jog recovery. Hard running is 5% of weekly mileage.

2. Striders TWO times this week. 4-6 x 100m

3. Optional second workout: 2-4 x 3200 @T pace with 2 min rest. 10% of weekly mileage.

Use a recent race to get your training paces here:

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Running Around 4-14-08

Nothing too complicated this week ... 800m repeats. The most important part of this workout is to keep the recovery time less than or equal to the time spent running the repeats.

Now for the workout summary ... 6 weeks until Expo 10k & 5k:

1. 4-10 x 800m @I pace with equal time jog recovery (up to 400m). Hard running should be 7-8% of your weekly mileage. Keep the jog less than or equal to the time spent running the repeats. If that means jogging for 200m or 300m, that's fine.

2. Striders TWO times this week. 4-6 x 100m

3. Optional second workout: 3-6 x 1600 @T pace with 60 seconds rest. 10% of weekly mileage.

Use a recent race to get your training paces here:

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Running Around 4-6-07

This week we'll continue working on improving VO2 Max (i.e. our ability to use oxygen efficiently) with some longer intervals: 1200's or 1000's. The ideal length of time for each repeat is 4-5 minutes. Shorter will not give you enough time at the correct effort, and longer will likely be too stressful to maintain pace, or you'll tire before you get enough volume. The most important part of this workout is to keep the recovery time less than or equal to the time spent running the repeats.

Now for the workout summary ... 7 weeks until Expo 10k & 5k:

1. 3-6 x 1200m @I pace with 400m jog recovery. Hard running should be 7-8% of your weekly mileage. Keep the jog less than or equal to the time spent running the repeats. If that means jogging for 200m or 300m, that's fine.
Adjustments: If you cannot run 1200m at your pace in less than 5:10, run 1000m repeats instead.

2. Striders TWO times this week. 4-6 x 100m

3. Optional second workout: 2-4 x 2400 @T pace with 90 seconds rest.

Use a recent race to get your training paces here: