Running Around 4-28-08
We'll stick with the fast stuff this week. We'll do mini ladder sets : 200m, 400m, 600m. Recovery jogs are 200m, 400m, 400m. So, one set is: 200m @R, 200m jog, 400m@R, 400m jog, 600m @R, 400m jog. Repeat the set to reach your desired mileage goal. This is a running economy and strength workout, so keep the form fluid and under control while running fast.
Recommended number of sets based on weekly mileage:
20 mpw: 1 set + 400m@R
25 mpw: 2 sets (drop the second 600m)
30 mpw: 2 sets
35 mpw: 3 sets (drop the last 600m)
40 mpw: 3 sets (drop the last 400m)
45 mpw: 3 sets
50 mpw: 3 sets + 600m@R
Now for the workout summary ... 4 weeks until Expo 10k & 5k:
1. Sets of (200m, 400m, 600m) @R pace with 200m, 200m, 400m jog recovery. Hard running is 5% of weekly mileage.
2. Striders TWO times this week. 4-6 x 100m
3. Optional second workout: continuous 20 minute run @T pace.
Use a recent race to get your training paces here:
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