Monday, December 24, 2007

Running Around 12-24-07

Apologies to everyone who usually receives this via email. I am without access to my emil address book for the next week.

We will not be meeting the next two weeks due to Christmas and New Years Day both falling on Tuesday this time around. Please continue with base training. Keep adding mileage slowly and thoughtfully. When we get back together in a couple of weeks, we'll starting adding some intensity with progression runs.

Happy Holidays to all!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Running Around 12-18-07

As expected, we'll continue with base training this week. So, road running again this week. Try increasing your mileage a little this week. If you need a track fix, I've listed a workout below.

Here is a 6-mile route:

Here is a 7-mile route:

If you want 8-miles, add to the 7-mile route by looping through Island Home.
Now for the workouts ...

1a. Road run 5-8 miles.
1b. 3-4 x 1600m @T pace with 60 seconds rest.

2. Striders 4-6 x 100m.

Get your paces here: -or-

Monday, December 10, 2007

Running Around 12-10-07

We'll continue with base training this week and throughout the month. So, road running again this week. If you need a track fix, I've listed a workout below.

If you need a route suggestion, let me know. One good 5-mile route is essentially the Autumnfest route. See Regardless of where you run, be alert, where light clothing and something reflective if you have it.

Looking ahead, we typically base our training for peak races in May and November. If anyone has suggestions for improvements or changes to our routine, I'd be happy to listen. Also, feedback on the effectiveness of the workouts would be great too. Too tough? Too easy? Too much T? Not enough T? If they're working, let me know that too.

Now for the workouts ...

1a. Road run 5-8 miles.
1b. 3-4 x 1600m @T pace with 60 seconds rest.

2. Striders 4-6 x 100m.

Get your paces here: -or-

Monday, December 03, 2007

Running Around 12-3-07

If you took your break last week, it's time to start on base training. That simply means building a solid foundation of mileage. The idea is to build slowly and intelligently over the Winter. By limiting the intensity of training during this period, our bodies can adapt more easily to the stress of adding mileage.

Why base training? Well, we can't be at our best all the time. That's why we're following a periodized training cycle. And the first phase is simply base mileage.

Increasing your weekly mileage is best done during this phase. If you're looking to improve your racing and fitness, bumping your mileage up sensibly is a good place to start. Consider increasing your maximum weekly mileage slightly during this training cycle. If you were running 40 mpw during the summer, try working up to 44-45 during the winter. For some some people the increase might be 5-10%, for others it maybe 5 miles per week. If you need some specific advise, let me know.

The base phase is also a great time to refocus on often-neglected aspects of our training like core strength. Core doesn't mean abs. It means abs, hips, glutes and back too. Here is an excellent site for core strength info

During the base training phase, I'll provide a base training workout (usually a road run) plus a maintenance track workout for those who need a track fix.

If you took some time off last week, start back gently. Work on gradually adding miles for the next several weeks and increase the length of your long run. I'll suggest a road run in the 5-8 mile range.

Striders after a long run is a great way to keep in touch with your speed and turnover with minimal stress.

Now for the workouts ...

1a. Road run 4-8 miles.
1b. 3-4 x 1600m @T pace with 60 seconds rest.

2. Striders 4-6 x 100m.

Get your paces here: -or-