Sunday, July 28, 2013

Running Around 7•28•13

Running Around 7•28•13

Week 10 • Summer Training 2013

Reminder: KTC still has their Summer program going on, so keep in mind that there will be other people (mostly kids) on the track.

This week will make it a little easier to coexist with the track program. We'll do hills! You can start at the track and run your warmup to Cherokee Blvd or you can park out there at the church or bottom end of Cherokee. See for all of the detailed info on hill workouts. This will allow the usual 5:30 pm start time. I will not be at the track because I will be attending the KTC long distance committee meeting.

If you want to do something other that hills, You can also make plans on the Facebook page.

If you haven't made it out to one of the Thursday track meets, you've missed a fun time. Lots of folks running and cheering - it was a great atmosphere this past week. You still have one more chance on August 8. First event starts at 7:00 PM. All events at the Hardin Valley Academy track. Entry fee is $10 per meet. Events are as follows ...
     Thursday, August 8: 800m, 1 mile, 5000 m, Distance Medley Relay (1200m, 400m, 800m, 1600m) or Sprint Medley Relay (400m, 200m, 200m, 800m)

Complete details can be found at
Results from the first two meets are at:

Finally, This is a time of year when some of us are taking time off or are going on vacation, etc. So the Facebook group page is a good resource to check in with each other to see who is going to be at the track or if anyone is doing a particular workout.


1. 4-10 Hills


Recommendations based on weekly mileage ...

50 mpw: 8+  hills
45 mpw: 7-8  hills
40 mpw: 6-7  hills
35 mpw: 5-6  hills
30 mpw: 5 hills
0- 25 mpw: 4 hills

4-6x 100m striders


Monday, July 22, 2013

Running Around 7•22•13

Running Around 7•22•13

Week 9 • Summer Training 2013

Reminder, KTC has their Summer program going on, so keep in mind that there will be other people (mostly kids) on the track.

Since I got no feedback regarding the 6:30 pm start time, we'll stick with that again this week. I'll make the call next week based on the feedback I get. You can also make plans on the Facebook page.

Since we as a group have shown some affinity for the track, I will share this with you: Ethan is putting on a series of open track meets. Thursdays - July 25, and August 8. First event starts at 7:00 PM. All events at the Hardin Valley Academy track. Entry fee is $10 per meet, or $25 for all three meets. Events are as follows ...
     Thursday, July 25 (Corporate Night): 800m, 1 mile, 2 mile, 4x400m Relay
     Thursday, August 8: 1000m, 1 mile, 2 mile, Distance Medley Relay (1200m, 400m, 800m, 1600m)

Complete details can be found at

I'm running in the meet this week, so I don't want to kill my legs with a workout on Tuesday. Instead I'm recommending that the official workout for this week is 1-4 events at the Thursday meet (note: small entry fee required unless you are only running the relay). If you are running Thursday, you might include some striders at the end of your normal training run on Tuesday.

If you are not interested in the meet or that doesn't work with your schedule, then the track workout is sets of 200m, 200m, 400m at R-pace followed by equal distance rest. So that means a full set is: 200m hard, 200m easy, 200m hard, 200m easy, 400m hard, 400m easy. See details below for recommendations based on weekly mileage.

We've been working on building base mileage since the beginning of June. Now might be a good time to do some introspection as to whether or not you need a recovery week. I hit my peak weekly goal for the Summer/Fall training cycle this past week. So I'm making this a recovery week. My mileage will be at least 25% lower than my peak. Some runners have a recovery week every 3rd or 4th week. I wouldn't push it beyond 6-7 weeks without one. I just did 7, and my legs are beat.

Finally, This is a time of year when some of us are taking time off or are going on vacation, etc. So the Facebook group page is a good resource to check in with each other to see who is going to be at the track or if anyone is doing a particular workout.


1A. Sets of (200m, 200m, 400m) @R pace


Recovery is equal distance, so 200m following the 200m runs and 400m following 400m runs. Total distance for the hard running should be 5% of your weekly mileage. Recommendations based on mileage:
50 mpw: 5 sets
45 mpw: 4 sets + 2x200m @R pace w/200m jog
40 mpw: 4 sets
35 mpw: 3 sets + 2x200m @R pace w/200m jog
30 mpw: 3 sets
25 mpw: 2 sets + 2x200m @R pace w/200m jog
<=20 mpw: 2 sets

4-6x 100m striders


Sunday, July 14, 2013

Running Around 7•14•13

Running Around 7•14•13

Week 8 • Summer Base 2013

Reminder, KTC has their Summer program this week, so keep in mind that there will be other people (mostly kids) on the track.

If anyone has any feedback about interaction with them from last week, let me know. I ran off campus and returned after the majority of their practice was over. My guess is that it will be difficult to run an actual workout while they are practicing. If you have a preference on alternate days/times for the rest of the month, let me know. We could meet Monday, Wednesday or Thursday at 5:30. Or we could keep Tuesday and start at 6:30. That would have us finishing up warmup, striders, etc. as they are finishing. I think Tuesday at 6:30 is probably the best option, so I'll go ahead and recommend that for this week. I'll make the call next week based on the feedback I get. You can also make plans on the Facebook page.

For the workout, let's hit the track and start some actual speed work. Fast 200s will get us focusing on speed and running economy. That fits well with the summer track races as well as the Hal Canfield Mile on Labor Day.

Since we as a group have shown some affinity for the track, I will share this with you: Ethan is putting on a series of open track meets. Thursdays - July 25, and August 8. First event starts at 7:00 PM. All events at the Hardin Valley Academy track. Entry fee is $10 per meet, or $25 for all three meets. Events are as follows ...
     Thursday, July 25 (Corporate Night): 800m, 1 mile, 3000m, 4x400m Relay
     Thursday, August 8: 1000m, 1500m, 3000m, Distance Medley Relay (1200m, 400m, 800m, 1600m)

Complete details can be found at

This is a time of year when some of us are taking time off or are going on vacation, etc. So the Facebook group page is a good resource to check in with each other to see who is going to be at the track or if anyone is doing a particular workout.


1. 6-20 x 200m @R pace


Recovery is equal distance, so 200m. Total distance for the hard running should be 5% of your weekly mileage. Recommendations based on mileage:

50 mpw: 12-20 x 200m @R pace w/200m jog
45 mpw: 10-18 x 200m @R pace w/200m jog
40 mpw: 10-16 x 200m @R pace w/200m jog
35 mpw: 8-14 x 200m @R pace w/200m jog
30 mpw: 8-12 x 200m @R pace w/200m jog
<=25 mpw: 6-10 x 200m @R pace w/200m jog

4-6x 100m striders


Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Running Around 7•8•13

Running Around 7•8•13

Week 7 • Summer Base 2013

A quick heads-up. KTC is starting their Summer program this week, so keep in mind that there will be other people (mostly kids) on the track. I have no idea whether we will be able to workout while they are there or not. Let's play it by ear and be ready to make adjustments if necessary. I'll be there to start my progression run but will appreciate any feedback from those who choose to stay at Tom Black.

Same workout as last week: a progression run on the roads or greenways.

A progression run simply means that the second half will be faster than the first. Ideally, I'd like to see 30 minutes easy running followed by 30 minutes of faster running. Notice that I didn't give you a specific pace (e.g. I, R, T). It should be comfortably hard, basically a tempo run. If you need a specific number, then I would suggest the the second half pace should be at least 30 seconds per mile faster than the first half. It can be faster, but should be a pace you can sustain for 30 minutes.

You can also offset the progression a little so that you finish with some easy running. So you might do 25 minutes easy, 30 minutes hard, 5 minutes easy.

Free free to go longer than 60 minutes total, but keep the hard running to 30 minutes.

If you just love running in circles, here is the official summer training plan.

Since we as a group have shown some affinity for the track, I will share this with you: Ethan is putting on a series of open track meets. Thursdays, July 11, July 25, and August 8. First event starts at 7:00 PM. All events at the Hardin Valley Academy track. Entry fee is $10 per meet, or $25 for all three meets. Events are as follows ...
     Thursday, July 11: 800m, 1 mile, 5000m, 4x800m Relay
     Thursday, July 25 (Corporate Night): 800m, 1 mile, 3000m, 4x400m Relay
     Thursday, August 8: 1000m, 1500m, 3000m, Distance Medley Relay (1200m, 400m, 800m, 1600m)

Complete details can be found at

This is a time of year when some of us are taking time off or are going on vacation, etc. So the Facebook group page is a good resource to check in with each other to see who is going to be at the track or if anyone is doing a particular workout.


1A. Progression Run


30 minutes easy + 30 minutes hard

• Optional alternative to the above workout  

Check out the Summer track progression

Monday, July 01, 2013

Running Around 7•1•13

Running Around 7•1•13

Week 6 • Summer Base 2013

We've been building a good pure base for the past few weeks. Now it is time to add some informal speed, although still not on the track. We'll stay on the roads or greenways, but now we're going to be doing a progression run.

A progression run simply means that the second half will be faster than the first. Ideally, I'd like to see 30 minutes easy running followed by 30 minutes of faster running. Notice that I didn't give you a specific pace (e.g. I, R, T). It should be comfortably hard, basically a tempo run. If you need a specific number, then I would suggest the the second half pace should be at least 30 seconds per mile faster than the first half. It can be faster, but should be a pace you can sustain for 30 minutes.

You can also offset the progression a little so that you finish with some easy running. So you might do 25 minutes easy, 30 minutes hard, 5 minutes easy.

Free free to go longer than 60 minutes total, but keep the hard running to 30 minutes.

If you just love running in circles, here is the official summer training plan.

Since we as a group have shown some affinity for the track, I will share this with you: Ethan is putting on a series of open track meets. Thursdays, July 11, July 25, and August 8. First event starts at 7:00 PM. All events at the Hardin Valley Academy track. Entry fee is $10 per meet, or $25 for all three meets. Events are as follows ...
     Thursday, July 11: 800m, 1 mile, 5000m, 4x800m Relay
     Thursday, July 25 (Corporate Night): 800m, 1 mile, 3000m, 4x400m Relay
     Thursday, August 8: 1000m, 1500m, 3000m, Distance Medley Relay (1200m, 400m, 800m, 1600m)

Complete details can be found at

This is a time of year when some of us are taking time off or are going on vacation, etc. So the Facebook group page is a good resource to check in with each other to see who is going to be at the track or if anyone is doing a particular workout.


1A. Progression Run


30 minutes easy + 30 minutes hard

• Optional alternative to the above workout  

Check out the Summer track progression