Running Around 5-17-10
We're getting close to the end of the season, so you should be in great shape and racing fast. The next two weeks will be easier workouts that focus on peaking for Expo 5k/10k in 12 days.
This week we'll go back to 400m repeats. However, we're going to do a few less reps and back off the pace slightly to make it more of a taper/sharpening workout. For pace, let's run at R-pace + 2-3 seconds. For example, if you normally run 400m in 90 seconds, do this workout at 92-93 seconds per 400m. Also, in order to lighten the workload, we'll do fewer repeats than 2 weeks ago. The key for this workout is relaxed, efficient, smooth speed. Concentrate on good form and quick turnover.
Week 18 of Spring 2010 training. 12 training days until Expo. Now for the workout summary:
1. 4-10 x 400m @R-pace + 2 seconds with 400m jog recovery. Recommendations based on weekly mileage:
50 mpw: 8 x 400m w/400m jog recovery
45 mpw: 7 x 400m w/400m jog recovery
40 mpw: 6 x 400m w/400m jog recovery
35 mpw: 5 x 400m w/400m jog recovery
30 mpw or less: 4 x 400m w/400m jog recovery
2. Striders at least once this week 4-6x 100m.
3. [Optional 2nd weekly workout Thurs/Fri] : 2x 3200m @T pace with 2 minutes rest. Cut it down to 2x 2400@T pace with 90 seconds rest if you run less than 35 miles per week.
Use a recent race to get your training paces here:
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