We've got one of the top races of the Spring, Dogwood 5k, coming up this week. Also there is mile race on Friday if you are looking to test your top-end speed. So, we're going to back off a tiny little bit and do a mini-sharpening workout.
Start with 200m repeats @R pace with equal distance jog recovery. Followed by some T work. We'll finish up with a matching set of 200s to make an R-T-R sandwich. More details in the summary below.
Keep the 200s under control. Remember efficiency and economy are the key. Don't overexert to get an extra second. Better to back off to 98% and run smoothly. When you switch to the T pace, hold back that first lap. You're going to be temped to run it too fast following the R-pace of the 200s.
This workout is a little lighter in volume than usual, so feel free to add on some additional 200s if you want more mileage on the track. If you decide to do that, keep it balanced with the same number at the beginning and end.
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