Sunday, April 08, 2012

Running Around 4•8•12

Running Around 4•8•12

Week 19 • Spring Training 2012

Happy Easter!

We're going back to 1200m repeats again this week. This is a bread & butter workout for 5k/10k training. We'll keep the restriction that if you can't do 1200m in 5 minutes or less, drop down to 1000m instead. If you're just a few seconds over but really close to 5 minutes, it's OK to do the 1200s if you want to. However, we're dropping the maximum rest down to 3:45, which should still be enough to jog a lap.


1. 3-8x 1200m @I pace
 w/200-400m jog recovery


2. 3-5x 1600m @T pace
 w/60 seconds rest


3. Striders


Rest should be 3-5 minutes not to exceed your interval time. Volume should be 7-8% of weekly mileage for the hard running. Run 1000m repeats if you cannot complete 1200m in less than 5 minutes.

If you are running 1200s a good rule of thumb is one repeat for every 10 miles of weekly mileage (e.g. 4x 1200m for 40 miles per week). You can probably jog a full 400m for rest, but it's OK to do 300m or 200m if that's all the ground you can cover in your allotted time. Keep the rest time under 3:45 this week no matter how long the repeats take.

Recommendations for 1000s based on weekly mileage ...
50 mpw: 6-7 x 1000m @I pace w/200m jog
45 mpw: 5-6 x 1000m @I pace w/200m jog
40 mpw: 5 x 1000m @I pace w/200m jog
35 mpw: 4-5 x 1000m @I pace w/200m jog
30 mpw: 4 x 1000m @I pace w/200m jog
25 mpw or less: 3 x 1000m @I pace w/200m jog


This is an optional 2nd workout for Thurs/Fri 
Run 1 for each 10 miles of weekly mileage (e.g. 4x 1600m for 40 miles per week).


At least once this week 4-6x 100m



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