Running Around 2-22-10
Hills workouts are tough, but hills make you strong and improve running economy. You can never be too rich, too good looking, or run too many hill workouts ... In case you haven't guessed, back to the hills this week.
For all of the details about location and warmup routes, see
Week 6 of Spring 2010 training. Now for the workout summary:
1. 4-10 x hill repeats. Recommendations based on weekly mileage ...
50 mpw: 8 x hills
45 mpw: 7-8 x hills
40 mpw: 6-7 x hills
35 mpw: 5-6 x hills
30 mpw: 5 hills
0- 25 mpw: 4 hills
2. Striders at least once this week 4-6x 100m.
Use a recent race to get your training paces here: