Sunday, January 31, 2010

Running Around 1-31-10

This week we'll go back to the hills for some strength work. I know it's only been 2 weeks since the last hill workout, but I don't want to do hills next week leading into Strawberry Plains 10k and half marathon.

We'll go back to the regular workout - full hills - instead of the short hills we did last time. Remember that these are supposed to be run at a high intensity (similar to R-pace) with good form and quick, light turnover.

Hopefully the weather will warm up between now & then to melt any snow or ice on the path. If the footing is not conducive to a hill workout, we'll change it to a progression run instead (or repeat last week's T-pace workout). The Weather Channel is saying 46 on Monday and 50 on Tuesday, so I'm optimistic that it should be fine.

For all of the details about location and warmup routes, see

Upcoming ...
2/21/10 @2-4pm (note revised date)
2010 Metro Knoxville XC Distance Clinic - Featuring UT Men's Distance Coach George Watts speaking on middle distance training and racing.

Week 3 of Spring 2010 training. Now for the workout summary:

1. 4-10 x hill repeats. Recommendations based on weekly mileage ...
50 mpw: 8 x hills
45 mpw: 7-8 x hills
40 mpw: 6-7 x hills
35 mpw: 5-6 x hills
30 mpw: 5 hills
0- 25 mpw: 4 hills

2. Striders at least once this week 4-6x 100m.

Use a recent race to get your training paces here:

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Running Around 1-24-10

I'm sure many of you will be glad to hear that we are going back to the track this week. I don't think Tom Black is officially open, but there was lots of activity on the track last week. So we're going to give it a shot.

However ... be prepared for anything. We will likely be able to do the workout with no problems. But there is a chance we won't be able to get on the track. Or we may start and be asked to leave. If the track is unavailable the alternative workout is a progression run on the roads/greenways.

We'll start 2010 with some tempo miles - one of our bread & butter workouts. It's a staple because it's great for building fitness during all phases of training. Proper pacing is the key to this workout; faster isn't always better.

With all of the construction around the area, please be careful. We've been meeting in the lobby of HPER building (right behind the press box) if the weather is wet and/or chilly.

Week 2 of Spring 2010 training. Now for the workout summary:

1. 3-6 x 1600m @T pace with 60 seconds rest. Volume should be 10% of your weekly mileage.

2. Striders at least once this week 4-6x 100m.

Use a recent race to get your training paces here:

Monday, January 18, 2010

Hill Workout Details

This describes our standard hill workout details including location and warmup routes ....

Hill workouts should be run at about the same intensity you run 400m repeats on the track (aka R-pace). Even though the intensity and effort are the same, don't expect to maintain the same pace. Remember to focus on good form and light, quick steps.

The hill route is at the Kingston Pike end of Cherokee Blvd. We start at the iron gate and jog down to where the path is interrupted by the road the second time. When you get to the bottom, turn around and run up. Jog back down for recovery. Since you finish at the top, there is no need to do a recovery jog after your last one. The hill is slightly over 400m. The route is here:

There are two warmup options for the hill workouts. The first is to run the greenway (cross the Ag bridge) out to Cherokee Blvd. That route is about 3 miles. The second route is Kingston Pike to Cherokee Blvd. Conveniently, it's almost exactly 2 miles. I've mapped it out here: ... Start at the track. Cross the bridge to the Ag campus. Cross Neyland and pick up the greenway next to the river. Follow the greenway and then continue to the intersection of Neyland and Kingston Pike. Cross over to the North side of Kingston Pike to run on the sidewalk. Follow K.P. all the way to Cherokee Blvd. Since it will be getting dark, be extremely careful -- especially crossing K.P!!

Alternatively, you can park at the Laurel Church of Christ at the intersection of Kingston Pike & Cherokee Blvd then warmup on the Blvd or greenway.

Running Around 1-18-10

This week we'll start our transition from base mileage to regular workouts. So we'll be heading for the hills of Cherokee Blvd for some repeats!

I'm going to change things up a little bit though. Instead of running the full hill top-to-bottom, we're going to break it up into 2 phases - top half & bottom half. Let's use an example of running 6 repeats. Do 5 repeats on the top half. Following the 5th one, jog all the way to the bottom. Do 6 repeats on the bottom half. On the last (6th) one, run the full hill bottom-top.

I think this will be a gentler transition from base to workouts. Usually in the early season hill workouts, fatigue really kicks in during the last third of the hill. The result is form and efficiency breakdown. By splitting it up, I hope it will give us an opportunity to keep the pace a little higher while maintaining good form and efficiency throughout the workout.

For all of the details about location and warmup routes, see

Upcoming ...
1/30/10 @2-4pm
2010 Metro Knoxville XC Distance Clinic - Featuring UT Men's Distance Coach George Watts speaking on middle distance training and racing.

Week 1 of Spring 2010 training. Now for the workout summary:

1. 4-10 x hill repeats. Recommendations based on weekly mileage ...
50 mpw: 8 x hills
45 mpw: 7-8 x hills
40 mpw: 6-7 x hills
35 mpw: 5-6 x hills
30 mpw: 5 hills
0- 25 mpw: 4 hills

2. Striders at least once this week 4-6x 100m.

Use a recent race to get your training paces here:

Monday, January 11, 2010

Running Around 1-11-10

I was toying with the idea of scheduling hills this week, but I don't think it's a good idea with the snow & ice remaining on the path on Cherokee Blvd.

Instead we'll add a little intensity to this week's workout by making it a progression run. That simply means running the second half faster than the first. The exact pace isn't particularly important, but it should be at least 30 seconds per mile faster than your easy run pace. Ideally, I'd like to see the pace be T-pace + 30-40 seconds. So, if your T-pace is 6:45, then try to hit 7:15-7:25. As far as length goes, I'd like to see the elevated pace for at least the last 3 miles of your run.

Since there are better opportunities for off-track running starting from campus, we'll be meeting at Tom Black Track this week. Wear something light in color and/or reflective if you have it.

Remember to work on increasing your total mileage and long run a little each week during the base period.

Week 6 of Winter base training. Now for the workout summary:

1. Progression road run 6-10 miles total. First half easy, second half at an elevated pace.

2. Striders at least once this week 4-6x 100m.

Use a recent race to get your training paces here:

P.S. If you despise road runs and need a track fix, here is the official off-season base training plan. I know it says summer on the title, but it easier to link to it that create another one for winter:

Monday, January 04, 2010

Running Around 1-4-10

Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a great holiday season and that you're refreshed and ready to get back to work.

More Winter base training this week. That means easy running on the roads or greenways. Since there are better opportunities for off-track running starting from campus, we'll be meeting at Tom Black Track this week and for at least a few more weeks. Wear something light in color and/or reflective if you have it.

Work on increasing your total mileage and long run a little each week during the base period. If you're feeling frisky on this week's run, feel free to pick up the pace during the second half.

Week 5 of Winter base training. Now for the workout summary:

1. Easy road run 4-10 miles followed by striders near the track 2-4x 100m.

P.S. If you despise road runs and need a track fix, here is the official off-season base training plan. I know it says summer on the title, but it easier to link to it that create another one for winter: