Sunday, January 31, 2010

Running Around 1-31-10

This week we'll go back to the hills for some strength work. I know it's only been 2 weeks since the last hill workout, but I don't want to do hills next week leading into Strawberry Plains 10k and half marathon.

We'll go back to the regular workout - full hills - instead of the short hills we did last time. Remember that these are supposed to be run at a high intensity (similar to R-pace) with good form and quick, light turnover.

Hopefully the weather will warm up between now & then to melt any snow or ice on the path. If the footing is not conducive to a hill workout, we'll change it to a progression run instead (or repeat last week's T-pace workout). The Weather Channel is saying 46 on Monday and 50 on Tuesday, so I'm optimistic that it should be fine.

For all of the details about location and warmup routes, see

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2/21/10 @2-4pm (note revised date)
2010 Metro Knoxville XC Distance Clinic - Featuring UT Men's Distance Coach George Watts speaking on middle distance training and racing.

Week 3 of Spring 2010 training. Now for the workout summary:

1. 4-10 x hill repeats. Recommendations based on weekly mileage ...
50 mpw: 8 x hills
45 mpw: 7-8 x hills
40 mpw: 6-7 x hills
35 mpw: 5-6 x hills
30 mpw: 5 hills
0- 25 mpw: 4 hills

2. Striders at least once this week 4-6x 100m.

Use a recent race to get your training paces here:


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