Sunday, November 29, 2009

Running Around 11-29-09

Let's continue meeting at West HS for one more week ... Next week, we will switch back to Tom Black to meet for road/greenway runs.

Autumnfest was the end of our fall training cycle, so it's time to start thinking about what's next. I recommend taking some time off from training at the end of a training cycle. A week or so will give you some down time to rest from a strenuous training cycle. You won't lose much fitness, and it will be offset by the gains made resting. You'll be fresher mentally and physically, ready to start the next training cycle. Do some cross training if you want, or do nothing. At the very least, cut your mileage back and/or take a few extra days off. Personally, I'm taking 7-8 days off with no running.

Rest is a very important part of our periodized training philosophy. You've asked your body to work hard for several months, so some recovery is required. Remember, Stess + Rest = Progress. You can't be at your best all year long. If you don't give yourself time to recover now, you'll be less likely to be able to perform at your best later.

If you still have some races you want to run in the next few weeks, go back and pick your favorite workouts from the month of November. Just be sure to schedule some down time to recover from this training cycle.

Finally, this is a great time to let me know how I'm doing with the workouts. Are you getting faster? slower? set any PRs? Do you like the spring and fall training cycles with the goals of peaking for Expo and Autumnfest? I'm open to any ideas you have. I'm doing this for you guys, so if it's not working, let me know, and I'll make adjustments. If there are any particular workouts you love or hate, that's good information too.

... Now for the workout summary:

1. Easy Road run or time off

2. Striders TWO times this week. 4-6 x 100m

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Running Around 11-22-09

Race week is here. Go out there, have fun, and run fast! There will be no formal workout this week due the Thursday race, so we will not be meeting as a group. If you feel like you need to do something on Tuesday, I'll recommend a few 200s.

If you are not racing this week, then pick your favorite workout from the last month. See for past workouts.

At this point in the season (after our peak race) we usually shift back to base training. Since we don't need a track for that, I was thinking it makes more sense to meet at Tom Black. It's a little more convenient, rest rooms are available, and there are more choices for running routes from there. If you have a strong preference for meeting at either West HS or Tom Black, please let me know.

Week 19 of 19 training for Autumnfest 8k (3 1/2 more training days) ... Now for the workout summary:

1. (optional) 3-4 x 200@R pace w/ 200m jog recovery. These should be super relaxed - really just long striders.

2. Striders TWO times this week. 4-6 x 100m

Monday, November 16, 2009

Running Around 11-16-09

Many in the group were racing this weekend and there were lots of great results. Congratulations to all including some PRs, age group wins, and an overall winner! This is a testament to your hard work this year. It's not a coincidence; awards and rewards are earned through consistency and effort in your training.

We have 9 more training days until Autumnfest, so this week will be an easy workout - just enough to keep the legs fresh and the turnover sharp.

A Thursday race throws off our usual schedule, so if you're the competitive type, you might want to repeat this workout on Saturday or Sunday. That would be similar to a Tuesday workout for a Saturday race.

Also remember that we are meeting at West High School until construction is completed at Tom Black Track.

Week 18 of 19 training for Autumnfest 8k (9 more training days) ... Now for the workout summary:

1. 2-4 x 1200m@T pace with 60 seconds rest + 2-4 x 200m@R pace with 200m jog. Total distance on the track should be 8% of weekly mileage or less.

2. [Optional 2nd weekly workout] Sets of (400m, 800m) @I pace with 200m jog recovery. Each set totals one mile (400m, 200m, 800m, 200m). Keep the rest short (1:30-2:00). Total distance on the track should be 8% of weekly mileage or less.

3. Striders TWO times this week. 4-6 x 100m

Monday, November 09, 2009

Running Around 11-9-09

With the pending work at Tom Black Track, let's plan on meeting at West High School this week. It is located at 3300 Sutherland Ave. If you've run the Greenways 5k, it starts at West. Here is a google map link ...

This is uncharted territory so please be prepared for the possibility that we won't have access to the track. In that case, we'll just do a run on the Greenway. I also don't know if there will be rest rooms or drinking fountains available. I don't know the best place to park. So ... give yourself some extra time if you can. If anyone has parking recommendations or other info about West track let me know, and I'll forward it to the rest of the group.

The goal this week is to work on some speed and turnover but without burning ourselves out with a mega workout. It mixes in some easy T-pace work followed by some good solid R repeats.

With a little less than 2 weeks to go, you can drop your mileage a little bit more this week. You can drop it as much as 5-10% from your peak, but you need to keep the intensity or you'll end up sluggish instead of fresh & sharp. With that in mind, it would be a good idea to make sure you're doing striders at least twice this week. That gives you some leg turnover without tiring your legs.

Week 17 of 19 training for Autumnfest 8k.... Now for the workout summary:

1. Mix ... 1-3 x 1200m @T pace w/60 seconds rest + 2-4 x 400@R pace with 400m jog + 0-1 x 200@R pace with 200m jog. By weekly mileage ....
50 mpw: 3x1200@T w/60s + 4x400m@R w/400m jog + 200@R w/200 jog
45 mpw: 3x1200@T w/60s + 3x400m@R w/400m jog + 200@R w/200 jog
40 mpw: 2x1200@T w/60s + 4x400m@R w/400m jog
35 mpw: 2x1200@T w/60s + 3x400m@R w/400m jog
30 mpw: 2x1200@T w/60s + 2x400m@R w/400m jog
25 mpw: 1200@T w/60s + 3x400m@R w/400m jog
<= 20 mpw: 1200@T w/60s + 2x400m@R w/400m jog

2. Striders two times this week. 4-6 x 100m

Monday, November 02, 2009

Running Around 11-2-09

It was good to see many of the Tuesday track regulars running well yesterday at Millhouse 15k! If you ran the race yesterday and you feel like you need a little extra time to recover, I think it's OK to run on the roads or greenway on Tuesday and then tackle the workout later in the week (Wed, Thurs or Fri). I'm actually leaning toward an easy run myself. If you are planning on doing that, wear something light-colored and preferably reflective.

There was a message board post about the track being closed for resurfacing this winter - possibly as soon as this week. I've been trying to get some confirmation and further information, but haven't had much luck yet. So let's continue meeting at Tom Black until we have some solid information. If we get there and the track is closed, we'll do a road run, so be prepared for both possibilities.

As we wind down toward the end of the season, this is a good time to start cutting your mileage back a little. No more than 5% this week, though.

For the workout we'll do a mix of R & I paces. The rest is short, for the first 2/3 of the workout, so that should be motivation to stay under control and on proper pace.

Week 16 of 19 training for Autumnfest 8k.... Now for the workout summary:

1. Mix workout R/I/R paces. Recommendations based on weekly mileage ...

45+ mpw:
4x200m @R pace with 200m jog +
3x1000m@I pace with 200m jog +
2x400m @R pace with 400m jog

40-45 mpw:
3x200m @R pace with 200m jog +
3x1000m@I pace with 200m jog +
2x400m @R pace with 400m jog

35-40 mpw:
3x200m @R pace with 200m jog +
3x800m@I pace with 200m jog +
2x400m @R pace with 400m jog

30-35 mpw:
2x200m @R pace with 200m jog +
3x800m@I pace with 200m jog +
2x400m @R pace with 400m jog

<= 30 mpw:
2x200m @R pace with 200m jog +
2x800m@I pace with 200m jog +
2x400m @R pace with 400m jog

Use a recent race to get your I &R paces here: