Monday, November 09, 2009

Running Around 11-9-09

With the pending work at Tom Black Track, let's plan on meeting at West High School this week. It is located at 3300 Sutherland Ave. If you've run the Greenways 5k, it starts at West. Here is a google map link ...

This is uncharted territory so please be prepared for the possibility that we won't have access to the track. In that case, we'll just do a run on the Greenway. I also don't know if there will be rest rooms or drinking fountains available. I don't know the best place to park. So ... give yourself some extra time if you can. If anyone has parking recommendations or other info about West track let me know, and I'll forward it to the rest of the group.

The goal this week is to work on some speed and turnover but without burning ourselves out with a mega workout. It mixes in some easy T-pace work followed by some good solid R repeats.

With a little less than 2 weeks to go, you can drop your mileage a little bit more this week. You can drop it as much as 5-10% from your peak, but you need to keep the intensity or you'll end up sluggish instead of fresh & sharp. With that in mind, it would be a good idea to make sure you're doing striders at least twice this week. That gives you some leg turnover without tiring your legs.

Week 17 of 19 training for Autumnfest 8k.... Now for the workout summary:

1. Mix ... 1-3 x 1200m @T pace w/60 seconds rest + 2-4 x 400@R pace with 400m jog + 0-1 x 200@R pace with 200m jog. By weekly mileage ....
50 mpw: 3x1200@T w/60s + 4x400m@R w/400m jog + 200@R w/200 jog
45 mpw: 3x1200@T w/60s + 3x400m@R w/400m jog + 200@R w/200 jog
40 mpw: 2x1200@T w/60s + 4x400m@R w/400m jog
35 mpw: 2x1200@T w/60s + 3x400m@R w/400m jog
30 mpw: 2x1200@T w/60s + 2x400m@R w/400m jog
25 mpw: 1200@T w/60s + 3x400m@R w/400m jog
<= 20 mpw: 1200@T w/60s + 2x400m@R w/400m jog

2. Striders two times this week. 4-6 x 100m


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