Monday, October 26, 2009

Running Around 10-26-09

We have a great race coming up this week with the Millhouse 15k. There are lots of other fun races in November too including Buddy's 5k and Autumnfest 8k. I've designed our training schedule so we are running our best during the month of November, peaking during the last 2 weeks. So get out there and run some races!

This week we'll focus on sharpening for the Millhouse race. If you're not running it, not a problem. This is a great late season workout whether you are racing or not. We'll start with some tempo work since it's been a few weeks since we've done any. We'll finish with some 400's to continue honing our speed and running economy.

We're coming off the season's hardest stretch of training, so don't overdo this workout. Keep it under control and on pace. This late in the season, it's easy to push the workout too hard when you're feeling good. Better to save some of that energy for racing.

Finally, with a Sunday race, try to do some striders later in the week to stay sharp. 4-6 x 100m at the end of a run on Friday or Saturday.

Week 15 of 19 training for Autumnfest 8k.... Now for the workout summary:

1. 2-3 x 1600m @T-pace with 60 seconds rest + 2-4 x400m @R pace with 400m jog recovery. Recommendations based on weekly mileage ...

50 mpw: 3 x 1600@T + 4 x 400m@R
45 mpw: 3 x 1600@T + 3 x 400m@R
40 mpw: 2 x 1600@T + 4 x 400m@R
35 mpw: 2 x 1600@T + 3 x 400m@R
30 mpw: 2 x 1600@T + 2 x 400m@R
<= 25 mpw: 2 x 1200@T + 2 x 400m@R 2. Striders: 4-6 x 100m
Use a recent race to get your T &R paces here:


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