Monday, August 31, 2009

Running Around 8-31-09

I know hills are not a popular workout, but they're very effective. We're developing lots of strength and power that will help us run faster even on the flat. After this week, I promise we won't do hills again for at least a month. I usually like to have 2 weeks between workouts, but next week we'll be focusing on Wears Valley, and hills are not a good race-week workout. Remember that they should be run hard and fast, but not straining. The intensity should be similar to a 400m workout.

For all the details on the warmup routes and hill location, see the workout from July 18th at ...

If it's within your mileage range for this workout (5% of weekly mileage), try to add one to the number you did last time. I did 7 last time, so I'll be shooting for 8.

Week 7 of training for Autumnfest 8k.... Now for the workout summary:

1. 4-12 x Hill repeats @R-intensity. Jog down the hill for recovery. Total distance for the uphill running should be about 5% of your weekly mileage. The hill is 0.3 miles in each direction.

2. Striders: 4-6 x 100m

3. Optional Thur/Fri workout: 3-6 x1600m @T-pace with 1 min rest. Total distance for the hard running should be 10% of your weekly mileage.

Use a recent race to get your training paces here:


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