Running Around 5-31-09
If you took your break last week, it's time to start with base training. That simply means building a solid foundation of mileage. The idea is to build slowly and intelligently over the Summer. By limiting the intensity of training during this period, our bodies can adapt more easily to the stress of adding mileage.
One of the best ways to improve your base is to increase your running frequency. I've put together some guidelines here ...
The base phase is also a great time to refocus on often-neglected aspects of our training like core strength. Core doesn't mean abs. It means abs, hips, glutes and back too. Here is an excellent site for core strength info
If you're looking at running either or both of the mile races coming up. I'd recommend a workout consisting of some easy T pace followed by some good solid 200s (see 1b below). Running economy and good form are essential in the mile, so focus on that during your workout. If you're running both races, and you're feeling a little frisky, you might throw in an 800 or 2 at race pace following the T stuff.
Week 2 of base training/rest .... Now for the workout summary:
1. pick one ...
a. Rest week or road run
b. 1-2 x 1200 @T pace with 60 seconds rest + 4-16 x 200m @R pace with 200m jog. 8-9% of weekly mileage for the total distance on the track.
c. (Maintenance mode or low intensity) 3-5 x1600m @T pace with 1 min rest. 10% of your weekly mileage.
2. Striders TWO times this week. 4-6 x 100m
Use a recent race to get your training paces here: