Monday, May 11, 2009

Running Around 5-11-09

It's taper time in Tennessee!! That means we'll be cutting the volume down a little bit this week, and we'll be doing a workout that mixes in some easy T-pace work followed by some good solid R repeats. The goal is to work on some speed and turnover but without burning ourselves out with a mega workout.

With a little less than 2 weeks to go, you can drop your mileage a little bit more this week. You can drop it as much as 10% from your peak, but you need to keep the intensity or you'll end up sluggish instead of fresh & sharp. With that in mind, it would be a good idea to make sure you're doing striders at least twice this week. That gives you some leg turnover without tiring your legs.

For those doing 2 workouts per week, I've given you 2 options. Pick the one that is closest to your 10k race pace.

Week 19 of 20 of training for Expo 10k/5k. Now for the workout summary:

1. Mix ... 1-3 x 1200m @T pace w/60 seconds rest + 2-4 x 400@R pace with 400m jog + 0-1 x 200@R pace with 200m jog. By weekly mileage ....
50 mpw: 3x1200@T w/60s + 4x400m@R w/400m jog + 200@R w/200 jog
45 mpw: 3x1200@T w/60s + 3x400m@R w/400m jog + 200@R w/200 jog
40 mpw: 2x1200@T w/60s + 4x400m@R w/400m jog
35 mpw: 2x1200@T w/60s + 3x400m@R w/400m jog
30 mpw: 2x1200@T w/60s + 2x400m@R w/400m jog
25 mpw: 1200@T w/60s + 3x400m@R w/400m jog
<= 20 mpw: 1200@T w/60s + 2x400m@R w/400m jog

2. Striders two times this week. 4-6 x 100m

3 [Optional 2nd weekly workouts - pick one]
a. 2-6x1200m@I pace with 400m jog recovery. 7% of weekly mileage.
b. 2-5 x1600m @T pace with 60 seconds rest. 8-10% of weekly mileage

Use a recent race to get your training paces here:


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