Running Around 4-27-09
This week will be the final installment in I-pace workouts. You should know it by heart by now: 1200s or 1000s. Run 1000m repeats if you cannot complete 1200m in less than 5 minutes. Let's keep the rest time to a maximum of work time minus 30 seconds. So if you're running 5 minutes, maximum rest is now 4:30. If you are running 4 minutes, maximum rest is now 3:30. During that time, you should jog 200-400m.
If you're feeling ambitious, you can super-size the workout by going over the 5-minute maximum. If you're running 1200s, you can bump it up to 1600s. If you're running 1000s, you can bump it up to 1200s. You can also mix up your regular distance with the over-distance. If you accept this challenge, keep with the 7-8% weekly mileage recommendation, so you'll probably fewer actual repeats. Also, don't reduce the rest. Keep it in the 4-5 minute range. If you're unsure about super-sizing, talk to me on Tuesday.
From what I've seen, lots of Tuesday regulars have been running great times over the last few weeks. Let's keep the great work. The workouts are paying off!
Don't forget your water. It's going to be warm on Tuesday.
Week 17 of 20 of training for Expo 10k/5k. Now for the workout summary:
1. 3-10 x 1200m @I pace w/200-400m jog recovery. Rest should be between 3 and 4.5 minutes and should be no more than 30 seconds less than your interval time. Volume should be 7-8% of weekly mileage for the hard running. Run 1000m repeats if you cannot complete 1200m in less than 5 minutes.
2. Striders two times this week. 4-6 x 100m
3. [Optional 2nd weekly workout] 200m-400m-200m " sandwich" @R pace with equal distance jog recovery. See the 4-6-09 workout for details.
Use a recent race to get your training paces here:
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