Running Around 1-29-07
It was a great turnout for the Calhoun's 10-miler on Saturday. Hopefully you had a great time even if didn't run a great time. In any case, that race should give you a good indication of your fitness.
With such a long, difficult race, it's a good idea to give your legs a chance to recover. So, I'm going to recommend an easy road run on Tuesday for anyone who raced on Saturday. No hard running until Thursday or Friday this week. Then you can pick one of the workouts below. I'm giving you some options with the workouts, and I hope you're mixing them up and not running the same ones week after week.
For those die-hards that race Calhoun's thinking, "I might run a workout," remember that it may take a few days for the race to catch up with you. You might not feel too bad now, but if you keep piling on the workouts, it will hit you sooner or later.
Now for the workouts ... 17 weeks until Expo 10k, and 9 weeks until the Knoxville Marathon:
Expo runners: Choose one from (1A, 2, 3 )
Knoxville marathon or half: Choose two of the three (1B, 2, 3 ). If you race Calhoun's pick only one.
1A. Tempo run. 20-22 minutes continuous @T pace.
1B. Same as 1A but extend cooldown to 5 miles total.
2. Progression run: 75 minutes total with 35 minutes easy, 35 minutes at marathon pace (MP), and 5 minutes easy at the end (as a cooldown).
3. Hills: 5-10 x hills. Usually we run these on Cherokee Blvd, but you could pick a hill somewhere else that is 200-400m in length.
+ Striders 4-6 x 100m twice this week.
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