Monday, January 22, 2007

Running Around 1-22-07

Not too much discussion this week. I'll get straight to the point. We have our first big race of the year this weekend -- Calhoun's 10-miler. It's a tough course, so it will be a good barometer for your training so far. However, we're a long way from our peak races, so we'll be training though this week. That simply means we're not going to cut back on our workouts or mileage. It's OK to take it a little easier on Thursday & Friday, but try to maintain your mileage if you can. A Tuesday workout will leave plenty of time to recover, so need to hold back there either.

We're going to do more tempo work this week on the track. Remember we want to progress from workout to workout, so challenge yourself to add 1/2 to 1 mile each week. See last week's email for suggestions on T-workout progressions. If you want a specific suggestion drop me an email.

Marathoners: You should be able to run the full 10-mile race at marathon pace or better. If not, you need to rethink your marathon pace. Use this as an opportunity to practice warmup, drinking during the race, GU, etc. Also consider which shoes you will be wearing during the marathon. You want a pair that is broken in but not broken down. These longer races are a good opportunity to see if your shoes are the right ones.

Now for the workouts ... 18 weeks until Expo 10k, and 10 weeks until the Knoxville Marathon:

1A. 3-6 x 1600 @T pace with 1 minute rest.

2. Race Calhoun's 10-miler

3. Striders 4-6 x 100m twice this week.

Get your paces here: -or-

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