Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Running Around 9-26-06

Sorry for the delay in getting this week's workout sent out. I'll make it short and to the point.

Now for the workouts ... Week #12 in the training cycle and 9 weeks to Autumnfest

1. 4-10 x 800m @I pace with equal TIME jog for rest.
Volume: The I-paced running should be about 8% of your weekly mileage

2. Striders TWO times this week. 4-6 x 100m

3. Optional second workout: 20-22 minutes continous run @T pace.

Get your paces here ... http://www.panix.com/%7Eelflord/vdot.html


Fall marathoners ... 4 weeks until race day (for Chicago; others see notes that follow)

Two options this week for the main workout. If you like to do your last long run 4 weeks out, then do it this week. If you want to wait another week, do the 1b workout. If you do a long run, try to do #3 also.

1a. Your final 20+ miler
1b. TLT: 2 x 10 minutes
@T pace with 2 minutes rest + 1 hour easy + 10 minutes @T pace.

2. Striders TWO times this week following an easy run. 4-6x100.

3. 4 x 10-12 minutes @T pace with 2 minutes rest.

Get your paces here ... http://www.panix.com/%7Eelflord/vdot.html
Get your MP here ... http://www.mcmillanrunning.com/rununiv/mcmillanrunningcalculator.htm

Marathoners for races other than Chicago adjust your schedule accordingly. See the previous posts at http://trackworkouts.blogspot.com/ for the corresponding workouts:

Marine Corps: Do the 1b workout listed above.
NYC: Do the marathon workout from 9-18-06
Chickamauga: Do the marathon workout from 9-11-06
Huntsville: Do the marathon workout from 8-14-06

Monday, September 18, 2006

Running Around 9-18-06

Is that a hint of fall I feel in the air? It's the best time of the year to be running and racing. Cool mornings and dry evenings ... hope everyone is out there taking advantage of it. You'll probably notice your pace getting a little faster as a result.

This week we start with phase 3 of our training. This is the most stressful stage. It builds on what we've done so far, and it prepares us for running strong at the end of our training cycle. The main emphasis during this phase will be long intervals. The goal is to improve VO2 Max (i.e. our ability to use oxygen efficiently).

Now for the workouts ... Week #11 in the training cycle and 10 weeks to Autumnfest

1. 3-6 x 1200m @I pace with equal TIME jog for rest. The rest will probably work out to be about 400m.
Volume: The I-paced running should be about 8% of your weekly mileage
Adjustments: If you cannot run 1200m at your pace in less than 5 minutes, run 1000m repeats instead.

2. Striders TWO times this week. 4-6 x 100m

3. Optional second workout: 2-3 x 3200 @T pace with 2 minutes rest.

Get your paces here ... http://www.panix.com/%7Eelflord/vdot.html


Fall marathoners ... 5 weeks until race day (for Chicago; others see notes that follow)

1. 5-7 x 1200m @I pace with 4 minutes jog for rest. The rest will probably work out to be about 400m.

2. Striders TWO times this week following an easy run. 4-6x100.

3. 10 x 800m-1000m @T pace with 30 seconds rest.

Get your paces here ... http://www.panix.com/%7Eelflord/vdot.html
Get your MP here ... http://www.mcmillanrunning.com/rununiv/mcmillanrunningcalculator.htm

Marathoners for races other than Chicago adjust your schedule accordingly. See the previous posts at http://trackworkouts.blogspot.com/ for the corresponding workouts:

Marine Corps: Do the marathon workout from 9-11-06
NYC: Do the marathon workout from 9-11-06
Chickamauga: Do the marathon workout from 9-4-06
Huntsville: Do the marathon workout from 8-7-06

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Running Around 9-10-06

This will be the final week of phase 2 where we've been focusing on strength and running economy.

One thing I haven't mentioned in a while is a recovery week. Much like the concept of an easy day following a hard workout, it's beneficial to occasionally take a rest week. Dropping your mileage 10-20% and/or taking an extra day off will give your body a little extra time to recover. Try this every 3-6 weeks depending on your training load.

Now for the workouts ... Week #10 in the training cycle and 11 weeks until Autumnfest:

1. 2x200m @R pace with 200m rest + 4-8 x 400m @R pace with 400m rest.
Volume of R-paced running should be about 5% of your weekly mileage.

2. Striders TWO times this week following an easy run. 4-6x100.

3. Second workout: 4-6 x 1600m @T pace w/1 min rest

Get your paces here ... http://www.panix.com/%7Eelflord/vdot.html


Fall marathoners ... 6 weeks until race day (for Chicago; others see notes that follow)

1. TLT - 2-3 x 1600m @T pace with 1 min rest. + 1 hour easy + 2 x 1600 @T pace with 1 min rest. Be sure to do a warmup and cooldown. This should be your longest run of the week. If you have a mileage goal you are shooting for (e.g. 20), either extend the 1 hour easy in the middle or the cooldown.

2. Striders TWO times this week following an easy run. 4-6x100.

3. 5-10 x 1200m @I pace with equal time rest (probably about 400-600m jog). I-paced running should be up to 8% of your weekly mileage.

Get your paces here ... http://www.panix.com/%7Eelflord/vdot.html
Get your MP here ... http://www.mcmillanrunning.com/rununiv/mcmillanrunningcalculator.htm

Marathoners for races other than Chicago adjust your schedule accordingly. See the previous posts at http://trackworkouts.blogspot.com/ for the corresponding workouts:

Marine Corps: Do the marathon workout from 9-4-06
NYC: Do the marathon workout from 9-4-06
Chickamauga: Do the marathon workout from 8-28-06
Huntsville: Do the marathon workout from 7-31-06

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Email back online

My email address is now back online.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Running Around 9-4-06

We'll go back to the hills this week for the 3rd and final time. We may go back once or twice before Thanksgiving, but it won't be anytime soon. By now, you should be feeling comfortable with the hill repeats. Hopefully you're adapting to the training and you're able to ... do a few more than you did the first week, do them at a higher intensity, or both. Intensity should be about the same as the track workouts we've done in between hill workouts. Remember to focus on good form and light, quick steps.

If you're planning on running Guns & Hoses 5k this weekend, don't worry. You'll have plenty of time to recover. Besides, at this point in the training cycle, we should be training through races. In other words, don't do anything special or taper for a race. Just incorporate it into your regular training. You can, however, do things like shift your rest day(s) around or move your easiest days to Thursday and Friday.

If you're trying to reach me, I still can't access my email on the trackworkouts@ktc.org account. Instead, post a message on the bullentin board and I'll send you an email.

Now for the workouts ... Week #9 in the training cycle and 12 weeks until Autumnfest:

1. 5-10 Hills @R intensity with equal distance rest.
Volume should be about 5% of your weekly mileage. Figure a little over 400m for each hill.

2. Striders TWO times this week following an easy run. 4-6x100.

3. Second workout: Continuous 22 minute run @T pace.

Get your paces here ... http://www.panix.com/%7Eelflord/vdot.html


Fall marathoners ... 8 weeks until race day (for Chicago; others see notes that follow)

1. 10 miles continuous @MP. Be sure to do a warmup and cooldown following. You can make this your "long run" for the week by extending the cooldown as many miles as needed. If you can't go 10, go as long as you can hold the pace.

2. Striders TWO times this week following an easy run. 4-6x100.

3. 3-5 x 2000m @T pace with 1 minute rest.

Get your paces here ... http://www.panix.com/%7Eelflord/vdot.html
Get your MP here ... http://www.mcmillanrunning.com/rununiv/mcmillanrunningcalculator.htm

Marathoners for races other than Chicago adjust your schedule accordingly. See the previous posts at http://trackworkouts.blogspot.com/ for the corresponding workouts:

Marine Corps: Do the marathon workout from 8-28-06
NYC: Do the marathon workout from 8-28-06
Chickamauga: Do the marathon workout from 8-22-06
Huntsville: Do the marathon workout from 7-24-06