Sunday, September 10, 2006

Running Around 9-10-06

This will be the final week of phase 2 where we've been focusing on strength and running economy.

One thing I haven't mentioned in a while is a recovery week. Much like the concept of an easy day following a hard workout, it's beneficial to occasionally take a rest week. Dropping your mileage 10-20% and/or taking an extra day off will give your body a little extra time to recover. Try this every 3-6 weeks depending on your training load.

Now for the workouts ... Week #10 in the training cycle and 11 weeks until Autumnfest:

1. 2x200m @R pace with 200m rest + 4-8 x 400m @R pace with 400m rest.
Volume of R-paced running should be about 5% of your weekly mileage.

2. Striders TWO times this week following an easy run. 4-6x100.

3. Second workout: 4-6 x 1600m @T pace w/1 min rest

Get your paces here ...


Fall marathoners ... 6 weeks until race day (for Chicago; others see notes that follow)

1. TLT - 2-3 x 1600m @T pace with 1 min rest. + 1 hour easy + 2 x 1600 @T pace with 1 min rest. Be sure to do a warmup and cooldown. This should be your longest run of the week. If you have a mileage goal you are shooting for (e.g. 20), either extend the 1 hour easy in the middle or the cooldown.

2. Striders TWO times this week following an easy run. 4-6x100.

3. 5-10 x 1200m @I pace with equal time rest (probably about 400-600m jog). I-paced running should be up to 8% of your weekly mileage.

Get your paces here ...
Get your MP here ...

Marathoners for races other than Chicago adjust your schedule accordingly. See the previous posts at for the corresponding workouts:

Marine Corps: Do the marathon workout from 9-4-06
NYC: Do the marathon workout from 9-4-06
Chickamauga: Do the marathon workout from 8-28-06
Huntsville: Do the marathon workout from 7-31-06


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