Monday, July 24, 2006

Running Around 7-24-06

The warm weather continues, but fortunately it will be a little cooler than last week. Stay diligent with the fluids before, during, and after runs.

We'll continue with theme of 1-hour quality runs. This week, we're going kick up the intensity a little and do some pure T pace. If you can't get all the way down to T pace, get as close as you can. When you get back to the track, do 4-6 x100m striders.

If anyone has feedback on these workouts, I'd love to hear it. I'm not quite back up to 100% with my hamstring, so I'm keeping my fastest running at about MP. That means I'm modifying the prescribed workouts a little, and it's hard to judge the difficulty -- especially with the heat. Hopefully running on the greenway is helping in that respect.

We'll follow the same route as the last 2 weeks. I've mapped it here ... ... start where we normally finish the warmup and head down to Tyson Park via Volunteer and Cumberland. If you get to the Bi-Lo at the end of the greenway, you can connect to the new section on Sutherland to get to 4 miles.

Get your MP here ...
Get your T pace here ...

Now for the workouts ... Week #3 in the training cycle and 20 weeks until Autumnfest:

1. 1-hour Quality Run: 15 minutes easy + 30 minutes MP + 5 minutes T + 10 minutes easy.

2. Striders after the workout: 4-8 x 100m


Fall marathoners ... 13 weeks until race day (for Chicago; others see notes that follow)

This week's main workout will be for running economy and turnover. The secondary workout is a bread and butter T workout. Don't sacrifice your long run to do the secondary workout. You might consider incorporating the T stuff into a long "run" by extending your warmup and cooldown. You could do 5 miles easy, 5 T miles, 5 miles easy for a 15 mile day.

1. Sets of (200m, 200m, 400m) @R pace with equal distance jog. R-paced running should be about 5% of your weekly mileage.

2. Weekend long run

3. 4-8x1600 @T pace with 1 minute rest. T-paced running should be about 10% of your weekly mileage.

Marathoners for races other than Chicago have the following number of weeks to go. See the previous posts at for the corresponding workouts:

Marine Corps: you have 14 weeks to go. You are 1 week behind Chicago, so look at 7-17-06
NYC: You have 15 weeks to go. You are 2 weeks behind Chicago, so look at 7-10-06
Chickamauga: You have 16 weeks to go. You are 3 weeks behind Chicago, so look at 7-02-06
Huntsville: You have 20 weeks to go. Go to the week 1 workout on 6-11-06

Anyone running Chickamauga or later can substitute the regular track workout if you want to run with the group this week.


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