Running Around 5-15-06
Since we're getting close to the end of the training cycle, I'd like to get some feedback on our spring season. Have you run well? Has it been too hard? Too easy? Too long? Too short? Are there any particular workouts you liked or didn't like?
It's also time to start thinking about summer and fall training. Typically we have focused on peaking for two races per year -- one in the spring and one in the late fall. As long as I can remember, we've used Autumnfest (on Thanksgiving) as our fall race. So, I'd also like some input on where we go from here for the rest of the year. We'll take some down time following Expo, followed by some base building stuff. Then what? What are your goals for the rest of the year? Summer racing? Fall road races? Fall marathon? Big South Fork? Think about it, and let me know.
This week we're going to do another mix of paces to continue sharpening for the final 2 weekends of the season. We really want to focus on quick turnover and efficient form. Remember that you should be running fast and hard, but not so fast that efficiency suffers.
If you have been tapering your mileage, make sure you are keeping the quality high. That means striders and a race or workout this weekend.
I'll be doing an easy road run of about 7 miles if anyone wants to join me.
Now for the workouts ... Week #19 in the training cycle and 12 training days to Expo:
1. 2-4 x 1600 @T w/2 minutes rest + 6 x 200m @R w/200m jog rest
2. Striders TWO times this week. 6-8 x 100m
3. Optional second workout: 20 min continuous run @T pace + 4x200m @R w/200m jog.
Get your paces here ...
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