Running Around 5-8-06
No big races coming up this week, but next week has 2 good ones in the Lakeway 5k and the trail race at Seven Islands. If you're targeting Expo, I like the idea of getting out there and running a race the weekend before.
With only 18 days left in the training cycle, you should be dropping your mileage a little more (if you haven't already done so). I think a 10% reduction from your peak is a good guideline. So, if you were running in the 50s, you probably be want to be around 40 now. The reduced volume along with the faster workouts should help you get some snap back in your legs. If anyone has a specific question regarding mileage, drop me an email.
You're probably getting sick of me saying it, but now more than ever, striders are an important piece of the training puzzle. Doing them regularly will remind you how it feels to run fast. Make it a habit. We are what we repeatedly do.
I'll be doing an easy road run of about 6.5 miles if anyone wants to join me.
Now for the workouts ... Week #18 in the training cycle and 18 training days to Expo:
1. 4 x 200m @ R w/200m jog + 2 x 400m @R w/400m jog + 2 x 1000@I w/400m jog + 4 x 200m@R w/200m jog. Mileage adjustments: If you are under 35 miles per week, only do half of the 200m repeats (i.e. 2 at the beginning and 2 at the end).
2. Striders TWO times this week. 6-8 x 100m
3. Optional second workout: 3-6 x 1000m @I pace with3 minute recovery jog + 4 x 200m @R pace with 200m jog.
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