Running Around 1-29-06 (Week #4)
It was great to see so many of you out racing at Calhoun's! It sounded like nearly everyone ran well or at least enjoyed the great weather.
Careful readers will have noticed that we've been progressively increasing the length of our T repeats. We are working up to a continuous run of around 22 minutes at T pace. However, we'll put that off for a week. This week we'll fall back to an easier workout to avoid overloading ourselves after the 10-mile race. If a particular workout seems too ambitious for your fitness level, or if progressing to longer repeats has been too strenuous, you can always fall back to one of the earlier workouts. Just stick to the guidelines I mentioned last week. If you deleted the message, just drop me a note, and I'll resend it to you.
Week #4 in the training cycle and 17 weeks to Expo. This week, let's do:
1. 3-5 x1600m @T pace with 1 minute rest in between.
If you didn't run Calhoun's you can do this workout or last week's workout.
2. Striders TWO times this week. 6x100. Add another day of striders following an easy run.
Get your pace here ... ... If you want to keep doing road runs, that's OK too.
Marathoners ... 7 weeks to go for the Knoxville Marathon.
Hopefully you're taking advantage of the training runs on the weekend. It's a lot easier to get those long runs in when you're running with friends. Hopefully, you're also well acquainted with the great technical clothing that's available. If you're running in cotton, you should consider investing in something more technical like coolmax, dri-fit, etc. Those materials help to wick sweat away from your skin. In a short race or training run, you may not notice a difference. But over the long haul of the marathon, the little things make a huge difference. And believe it or not, they will help keep you cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter.
For a workout: If you ran Calhoun's do the workout above, if you skipped the race, you can do the above or 7 miles at marathon pace.