Sunday, September 26, 2010

Running Around 9-26-10

We'll go back to our bread & butter for this part of the season ... 1200m/1000m repeats. I'll reiterate the most important part of these I-pace workouts: The rest time must be less than or equal to the work time. This week, I'm going to add the requirement that the rest time must also be no longer than 4 minutes.

With the destruction/construction of the music building, parking has become an issue. They have started ticketing the lot above the construction area where many have been parking. Several of us have gotten tickets in the last few weeks, so look for an alternative place to park.

Week 12 of Fall 2010 training. Now for the workout summary:

1. 3-8 x 1200m (or 1000m) @I pace w/200m-400m jog recovery. Rest should be 3-4 minutes not to exceed your interval time (and less than 4 minutes). Volume should be 7-8% of weekly mileage for the hard running. Run 1000m repeats if you cannot complete 1200m in less than 5 minutes.

If you are running 1200s a good rule of thumb is one repeat for every 10 miles of weekly mileage.

If you are running 1000s:

50 mpw: 6-7 x 1000m @I pace w/200m-400m jog
45 mpw:
5-6 x 1000m @I pace w/200m-400m jog
40 mpw: 5 x 1000m @I pace w/200m-400m jog
35 mpw: 4-5 x 1000m @I pace w/200m-400m jog
30 mpw: 4 x 1000m @I pace w/200m-400m jog
25 mpw or less: 3 x 1000m @I pace w/200m-400m jog

2. [Optional 2nd weekly workout Thurs/Fri] Same as last week ... 2-3 x 3200m @T pace with 2 mins rest. 10% of your weekly mileage.

Use a recent race to get your training paces here:

Monday, September 20, 2010

Running Around 9-20-10

We've usually done a few hill workouts by this point in the season, but with the mile race we kind of mixed things up a bit. So this week ... Hills. They're good for strength and speed. It's a tough workout, but it pays off!

Here are all the details about this hill workout location & warmup:

Week 11 of Fall 2010 training. Now for the workout summary:

1. 4-10 x hill repeats. Recommendations based on weekly mileage ...
50 mpw: 8 x hills
45 mpw: 7-8 x hills
40 mpw: 6-7 x hills
35 mpw: 5-6 x hills
30 mpw: 5 hills
0- 25 mpw: 4 hills

2. [Optional 2nd weekly workout Thurs/Fri] 2-3 x 3200m @T pace with 2 mins rest. 10% of your weekly mileage.

Use a recent race to get your training paces here:

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Running Around 9-12-10

We'll keep it simple this week. Back to 800s at I pace. Remember that the recovery time must be less than or equal to the work time. or example, if your I-pace for 800m works out to 3:30, then your rest between repeats must be 3:30 or less. This usually works out to half the distance of the repeat.

If you're doing 2 workouts per week, then do some T-pace miles on Thursday or Friday.

I'm thinking we'll probably run hills next week, but that's not set in stone.

Week 10 of Fall 2010 training. Now for the workout summary:

1. 4-10 x 800m @I pace. Recovery is a 200-400m with time not to exceed your work time. Recommendations based on mileage:
50 mpw: 8x800m
45 mpw: 7x800m
40 mpw: 6x800m
35 mpw: 5-6x800m
30 mpw: 5x800
<=25 mpw: 4x800m

2. [Optional 2nd weekly workout Thurs/Fri] 3-6 x 1600m @T pace with 60s rest. 10% of your weekly mileage. Recommendations based on mileage:
50 mpw: 5 x 1600m
45 mpw: 4-5 x 1600m
40 mpw: 4 x 1600m
35 mpw: 3-4x 1600m
<=30 mpw: 3x 1600m

Use a recent race to get your training paces here:

Monday, September 06, 2010

Running Around 9-6-10

Back to our regular scheduled time. We will meet at 5:30 pm this week. We'll stick with that no matter what the weather until next Summer.

I hope everyone that ran the mile this morning had a great time. I did. Not quite as fast as I had hoped, but I think I learned a few things during both the training and the race. On to the next one!

One new thing I tried this morning is a harder warmup, and I think it worked well. Usually I do 2-3 miles easy and then some striders at the line. Today I did 2 miles easy and then ran about 3 1/2 minutes at T-pace. I timed the tempo run so that I would finish about 10 minutes before the start. Rather than try to explain the philosophy myself, I'll point you to Dr. Jack's wisdom on the subject:

If you ran the mile and are running Wears Valley in less than a week, then you can do either an easy road run or the tempo workout detailed below.

For everyone else, more I-pace, but we're moving up to 1200m/1000m repeats. 1200m is the default distance, but if you can't do 1200m in 5 minutes or less, drop down to 1000m instead. If you're just a few seconds over but really close to 5 minutes, it's OK to do the 1200s if you want to.

Like last week, recovery time is very important. It has to be less than your work time. You can definitely do a 200m jog. You may be able to squeeze in a 300m or 400m jog if you want to add a little extra mileage or don't like standing around waiting for the clock.

If you're doing 2 workouts per week, then do one on Tuesday and one later in the week.

Week 9 of Fall 2010 training. Now for the workout summary:

Option 1. 3-8 x 1200m (or 1000m) @I pace w/200m-400m jog recovery. Rest should be 3-5 minutes not to exceed your interval time. Volume should be 7-8% of weekly mileage for the hard running. Run 1000m repeats if you cannot complete 1200m in less than 5 minutes.

If you are running 1200s a good rule of thumb is one repeat for every 10 miles of weekly mileage.

If you are running 1000s:

50 mpw: 6-7 x 1000m @I pace w/200m-400m jog
45 mpw:
5-6 x 1000m @I pace w/200m-400m jog
40 mpw: 5 x 1000m @I pace w/200m-400m jog
35 mpw: 4-5 x 1000m @I pace w/200m-400m jog
30 mpw: 4 x 1000m @I pace w/200m-400m jog
25 mpw or less: 3 x 1000m @I pace w/200m-400m jog

Option 2. 3-6 x 1600m @T pace with 60s rest. 10% of your weekly mileage. Recommendations based on mileage:
50 mpw: 5 x 1600m
45 mpw: 4-5 x 1600m
40 mpw: 4 x 1600m
35 mpw: 3-4x 1600m
<=30 mpw: 3x 1600m

Use a recent race to get your training paces here: