Monday, March 30, 2009

Running Around 3-30-09

If you like last week's workout, you're going to love this week's ... because it's exactly the same! I know that's boring. Boring but effective. The bottom line is that I-pace works best when you're running between 4 and 5 minute repeats, and there is a narrow range of workouts that fit. I'll give you the option of running hills instead. I promise next week will be something different.

Reminder, recovery time is very important. It has to be less than your work time.

If you ran the Knoxville Marathon or Half, use your judgment about doing a workout on Tuesday. If you're not recovered enough, don't add to the stress of the long race. Give yourself a few days to recover. If that's the case, I recommend a road run on Tuesday and shifting your workout to Thursday this week.

A great big Thanks! to everyone who helped make yesterday's Knoxville Marathon a great success!! I saw a lot of Tuesday night regulars volunteering and running. I hope everyone who ran enjoyed it as much as I did. If you ran, thank Cindi Holcombe for her work organizing and managing the volunteer effort.

Week 13 of 20 of training for Expo 10k/5k. Now for the workout summary:

1. 3-10 x 1200m @I pace w/200m jog recovery. Rest should be 3-5 minutes not to exceed your interval time. Volume should be 7-8% of weekly mileage for the hard running. Run 1000m repeats if you cannot complete 1200m in less than 5 minutes.

1. (alternative) 4-10 x hills. Volume of uphill running should be 5% of weekly mileage.

2. Striders two times this week. 4-6 x 100m

3. [Optional 2nd weekly workout] 3-5 x 1600m @T pace w/60 seconds rest. 10% of weekly mileage.

Use a recent race to get your training paces here:

Monday, March 23, 2009

Running Around 3-23-09

This week's workout is very similar to last week. We'll bump the distance up from 1000m to 1200m. I'm also adding a restriction that if you can't do 1200m in 5 minutes or less, drop down to 1000m instead. If you're really close to 5 minutes, it's OK to do the 1200s if you want to.

Again, recovery time is very important. It has to be less than your work time. You can definitely do a 200m jog. You may be able to squeeze in a 300m or 400m jog if you want to add a little extra mileage or don't like standing around waiting for the clock.

If you're focusing on the Knoxville marathon or half this week, I'll suggest doing workout #1 from back on November 16 instead.

Week 12 of 20 of training for Expo 10k/5k. Now for the workout summary:

1. 3-10 x 1200m @I pace w/200m jog recovery. Rest should be 3-5 minutes not to exceed your interval time. Volume should be 7-8% of weekly mileage for the hard running.

2. Striders two times this week. 4-6 x 100m

3. [Optional 2nd weekly workout] 6-20 x 200m @R pace w/ 200m jog recovery. Hard running should be around 5% of weekly mileage.

Use a recent race to get your training paces here:

Monday, March 16, 2009

Running Around 3-16-09

This week we'll shift gears and start into the toughest stretch of training. For the next 6-7 weeks our main focus will be working on mid-range intervals at I-pace. The goal of these workouts is to improve VO2 max (your ability to transport and utilize oxygen during exercise). I've found that it takes a couple of weeks to adjust, but eventually you'll become more comfortable and efficient at this pace.

For I-pace, the rest duration is very important. It must be less than or equal to the time you've spent running hard. So if you run 1000m in 4 minutes, then your rest must 4 minutes or less. Typically you'll be able to handle a little bit less rest. The maximum rest should be 5 minutes.

Also, we've passed the half way point, so now is the time I usually add a second weekly workout to the schedule. This is completely optional based on your goals and ability. I usually do the second workout on Thursday or Friday. If you are only accustomed to doing one but want to move up to two, try it every 2nd or 3rd week at first. Then eventually work up to 2 workouts every week.

Week 11 of 20 of training for Expo 10k/5k. Now for the workout summary:

1. 3-10 x 1000m @I pace w/200m jog recovery. Rest should be 2-5 minutes not to exceed your interval time. Volume should be 7-8% of weekly mileage for the hard running.

2. Striders two times this week. 4-6 x 100m

3. [Optional 2nd weekly workout] Hilly road run: Pick a hilly route 6-8 miles in length with plenty of hills. Run easy for the first mile or so then attack every hill as if you're running a hill workout. Run easy until the next hill. Challenge yourself with a variety of length and frequency of the hills on your route.

Use a recent race to get your training paces here:

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Running Around 3-8-09

We're now at the mid way point in our Spring training cycle. We'll soon be getting into the most strenuous stretch of training, so you should be at your peak mileage for the Spring. It's OK to maintaining that for a while, but I don't generally recommend adding mileage during the final 8-10 weeks of the training cycle.

We'll revisit some tempo-pace work this week. We'll make it slightly more challenging than our last T workout by bumping up the distance a little. The basic workout is 2 x 3200m, but I have one adjustment based on weekly mileage: If you are running <40 miles per week, do 2 x 10-12 minutes with 2 minutes rest instead of 2 x 3200m.

Also, as an optional addition, you can do 2-4 x 200m @R pace. If the T-pace work is less than 10% of your weekly mileage, add some 200s to get closer to 10%.

Unlike R work and hills, pace and effort are critically important in T workouts. Be strict with your pace and the rest time. Pushing the pace doesn't increase the benefit achieved in this workout. Shoot for consistency and a nice even effort throughout the workout.

Week 10 of 20 of training for Expo 10k/5k. Now for the workout summary:

1. 2 x 3200m@T pace w/2 mins rest + (optional) 2-4 x 200m@R pace with 200m jog recovery.

2. Striders two times this week. 4-6 x 100m

Use a recent race to get your training paces here:

Monday, March 02, 2009

Running Around 3-2-09

Back to working on speed and running economy this week.

The goal of this workout is to run fast but efficiently. Efficiency and economy are the number one goal, so it's better to back off on the speed a little to run smoothly instead of powering through trying to hit a particular time. Also, there is no strict requirement on recovery time. Give yourself enough recovery so you don't compromise the next repeat.

Week 9 of 20 of training for Expo 10k/5k. Now for the workout summary:

1. Sets of (200m, 200m, 400m @R pace) w/equal distance rest in between. Volume should be 5% of your weekly mileage. So a complete set is 200m hard, 200m jog recovery, 200m hard, 200m jog, 400m hard, 40m jog. Do partial sets if you're in between.

Adjustments for weekly mileage:
50+ mpw: 5 sets
45+ mpw: 4 sets + 2x200m
40+ mpw: 4 sets
35+ mpw: 3 sets + 2x200m
30+ mpw: 3 sets
25+ mpw: 2 set + 2x200m
20 mpw: 2 sets

2. Striders two times this week. 4-6 x 100m

Use a recent race to get your training paces here: