Saturday, March 24, 2007

Running Around 3-24-07

One week until the big marathon weekend! For those of you running the marathon or half, give yourself a pat on the back for getting through the training. That is sometimes half the battle. Take it easy this week, and keep your mileage low, but your turnover high. That means running a little marathon pace here and there plus striders.

For everyone else, the intensity is picking up for Expo training. We'll go with some 800s this week.

Now for the workouts ... 9 weeks until Expo 10k, and 7 training days until the Knoxville Marathon:

Knoxville marathon: 2 + 3 + 4
Knoxville half: 2 + 4
Everyone else: 1 + 4. Add 5 if you need another workout.

1. 4-10 x800m @I pace w/ equal time recovery (400m jog). Volume of the hard running should be 7-8% of weekly mileage

2. 2x1200m @marathon pace w/2 min rest + 1200m @T pace + 2 x 200m @I pace with 200m jog rest.

3. Incorporate 1-2 miles of marathon pace during Thursday's run

4. Striders. 4-6x100m twice this week.

5. 4-10 x hills @R intensity. Volume of the uphill portion should be 5% of your weekly mileage.

Get your paces here: -or-

Monday, March 19, 2007

Running Around 3-19-07

OK ... I'll admit that last week's workout was a little tougher than expected. The warm weather and windy conditions certainly didn't help. So ... extra credit all around for those who did the workout!

This week, we'll head back to the hills for our final workout there for the Spring. By now, you should be feeling comfortable with the hill workouts, hopefully running the repeats faster and smoother. If think you can add an extra one this week, give it a shot. The route and warmup information for hills is here:

We're winding down the training for the Knoxville Marathon, so those of you running should be tapering, getting a massage, eating well, hydrating, and .... running your striders to keep from getting stale. Keep your long run short this week. I wouldn't go longer than 10.

Now for the workouts ... 10 weeks until Expo 10k, and 13 training days until the Knoxville Marathon:

Expo runners: 1A or B on Tuesday
Knoxville half: 1A or 2A on Tuesday + 3 later in the week.
Marathoners: 2A on Tuesday + 3 later in the week.
Everyone: 5 + 4 for a second workout later in the week.

1A. 4-10 x hills @R intensity. Volume of the uphill portion should be 5% of your weekly mileage.
1B. 4-10 x 400m @R pace with 400m jog recovery.

2A. 2 miles @marathon pace + 2 min rest + 2 x 1600m @T pace with 1 min rest + 2 x 200m @R pace with 200m jog rest.

3. Incorporate 4 continuous miles of marathon pace during one of your runs this week.

4. 2-4 x 2000m @T pace with 1 min rest.

5. Striders. 4-6x100m twice this week.

Get your paces here: -or-

Monday, March 12, 2007

Running Around 3-12-07

Spring is here, I guess. Let's take advantage of the great weather with a good hard workout on the track!

Marathoners should be thinking about starting their taper. In general, keep the intensity while dropping the mileage. If you drop mileage and skip the speed work too, you're likely to get sluggish. Striders are your friend. Cut the mileage a little this week, and then drop it more aggressively the next two. If you need specific advice, drop me an email.

Expo runners, we're going to do a fairly tough workout that will give us an early introduction to race pace.

Now for the workouts ... 11 weeks until Expo 10k, and 20 training days until the Knoxville Marathon:

Expo runners: 1A on Tuesday
Knoxville half: 1A or B on Tuesday
Marathoners: 1B on Tuesday
Everyone: 3 + 2A or 2B for a second workout later in the week.

1A. 4-10 x 1000m @10k pace w/1 min rest. Volume should be 8-10% of your weekly mileage.
1B. 2 miles @race pace + 2 min rest + 2 miles @T pace + 2 min rest + 2-4x 200@R pace with 200m jog.

2A. 20-22 minute run @T-pace + 5 min rest including 400m jog + 2 x 200m @R pace with equal distance jog recovery.
2B. 2-4 x 3200m @T pace w21 min rest + 2 x 200m @R pace with with 200m jog recovery

3. Striders. 4-6x100m twice this week.

Get your paces here: -or-

Monday, March 05, 2007

Running Around 3-5-07

We're in the final stretch for the marathon. Marathoners should be thinking about running your final long run either this week or next - based on personal preferences. Expo runners, let's continue working on running economy with some 400s.

If you ran Whitestone 30k yesterday, you need some time to recover. No hard workouts this week. Do a road run on Tuesday. Striders may help your recovery, so try to do them a couple of times this week.

Now for the workouts ... 12 weeks until Expo 10k, and 4 weeks until the Knoxville Marathon:

I'll list the workouts in order of priority. If you're doing 1 per week, do the first one listed. Go from there if you do more than one workout.

Expo runners: 1, 4, 2 (a or b).
Ran Whitestone: No workouts except striders
Knoxville marathon: 3 (a,b, or c), 4, 1.
Knoxville half: 1, 4, (2a or 3b)

1. 4-12 x 400m at @R effort with 400m jog rest. Volume is 5% of your weekly mileage with a minimum of 4 repeats. Examples: 50 mpw = 10, 40 mpw = 8, 30 mpw = 6, <30 = 4.

2a. 20-22 minute run @T-pace + 5 min rest including 400m jog + 2 x 200m @R pace with equal distance jog recovery.
2b. 3-6 x 1600m @T pace w/1 min rest + + 2 x 200m @R pace with equal distance jog recovery

3a. If you have NOT raced a half (or longer) this winter, incorporate 13 miles at marathon goal pace into a single run. With warmup and cooldown this will probably be your longest run of the week.
3b. TL workout: 2a or 2b followed by 8-10 miles easy. Be sure to include a proper warmup.
3c. TLT workout: 2x10 minutes@ T pace with 2 min rest + 8-10 miles easy + 2x10 minutes@ T pace with 2 min rest. Be sure to include proper warmup and cooldown.

4. Striders. 4-6x100m twice this week.

Get your paces here: -or-