Recommendations based on your weekly mileage.
45+ mpw: 3x 1200m @T w/60s + 2x 400m @R w/400m jog + 3x 200m @R w/200 jog
40 mpw: 2x 1200m @T w/60s + 2x 400m @R w/400m jog + 3x 200m @R w/200m jog
35 mpw: 2x 1200m @T w/60s + 2x 400m @R w/400m jog + 2x 200m @R w/200m jog
30 mpw: 2x 1200m @T w/60s + 1x 400m @R w/400m jog + 2x 200m @R w/200m jog
<= 25 mpw: 1200m @T w/60s + 1x 400m @R w/400m jog + 3x 200m @R w/200m jog
Pace is halfway between T and I paces. 200m jog recovery not to exceed 2 minutes. Shoot for around 7-8% of weekly mileage. Recommendations based on mileage.
50+ mpw: 6-7x1000m
45 mpw: 6x 1000m
40 mpw: 5x 1000m
35 mpw: 4-5x 1000m
30 mpw: 4x 1000m
25 mpw: 3x 1000m
20 mpw or less: 2-3x 1000m
4-6x 100m striders |
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