Fabulous weather yesterday in Townsend for the Wears Valley 15k! The cooler, drier weather this week should give your performance more than a little boost.
Since several of us raced yesterday, Tuesday might be a little too soon for a strenuous workout. So I'm going to provide two options. If your legs are tired from racing, we have some T-pace mile repeats.
Otherwise, go with 800m repeats with equal time jog recovery. Typically that means about half the distance (400m). If you cannot complete 400m in the alotted time, then cut it short. These will be done at I-pace. This is the first time during this training cycle that we've used I-pace, so be sure to plug a recent race result into the calculator linked at the bottom of this message. I-pace is very close to 5k pace, maybe 1-2 seconds per lap faster than 5k pace.
This is also the time of year where I will start provide two weekly workouts. This is an optional workout that is typically done on Thursday or Friday if you are the type of person that wants to do 2 workouts a week. If you've never done 2 workouts a week, try starting with doing it every other week for a while, then 2 out of every 3 weeks, etc. If you are racing, then you drop the second workout. This week, the second workout will be whichever of the options you did not do on Tuesday. |
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