Monday, July 09, 2012

Running Around 7•8•12

Running Around 7•8•12

Week 7 • Summer Base 2012

We're continuing with our Summer base training period, including some unstructured intensity into the mix with progression runs. A progression run simply means that you're starting easy and then picking up the pace part way through the run. My suggestion is for 6-10 miles on Tuesdays during base mileage. 60 to 75 minutes is a good guideline if you're going by time. Let's make the progression run 30 minutes of easy running followed by 30 minutes at a faster pace. Notice that I didn't give you a specific pace (e.g. T, R, I). Just go by feel. The only real requirement is that the second half is faster than the first half. If you need something more specific, try dropping the pace by about 30 sec/mile. So if you start at 8 min/mile, do the second half at 7:30/mile.

As an alternative to the progression run, you could do a hilly road run instead. For this, you should pick a distance that is a medium length. Since it is a workout, it should be long enough to make the effort a little bit difficult. I usually do 8 miles. Pick a route with plenty of hills of different lengths and grades. Start just like a regular run, but when you come to a hill, run it hard and fast like you're doing a hill workout. Then back off the pace and run easy until you get to the next hill. This is great road race training because the hills are all different and they are not at regular intervals. You're forced to run hard when you may not be fully recovered from the last one or after you've settled back in to a comfortable pace.

If you're feeling good after the run, you can also add 4-6 striders on the track.

If you like turning left instead of road runs, here is the official off-season base track training plan:

Finally, this is a time of year when many of us are taking time off or are going on vacation, etc. The Facebook group page is a good resource to check in with each other to see who is going to be at the track or if anyone is doing a particular workout.


1. Progression Run

Hilly Road Run

2. Maintenance mode or low intensity


60-80 minutes total. 30-40 mins easy followed by 30 mins at an elevated pace. 30 secs/mile faster is a good place to start for pace.

Medium length (~8 miles) where you run the uphills hard (at hill workout intensity), and the rest of the run is normal training run pace.

Check out the Summer track progression


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