Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Running Around 6•12•12

Running Around 6•12•12

Week 3 • Summer Base 2012

Sorry this is so late this week!!

We're continuing with our Summer base training period, so that means easy running on the roads or greenways. This is our 3rd week of Summer base mileage. Hopefully you're extending your mileage a little each week. My suggestion is for 6-10 miles on Tuesdays during base mileage. 60 to 75 minutes is a good guideline if you're going by time.

When it's hot, out & back on the 3rd creek greenway is mostly shady. You can get 8 (round trip) if you go a little past Earth Fare. I can't remember the exact turn-around point, so use your garmin if you have one. A good 10-mile route is down 3rd creek to Earth Fare then around to Cherokee Blvd and back on the greenway (also known as the Nellie 10). If you turn down Kingston Pk on the way back instead of the greenway, the route is closer to 15k (aka the Brown 10). A final suggestion is out & back along Neyland Dr past Calhoun's.

If you're looking for a track fix instead of road runs, here is the official off-season base training plan:

A reminder, I will not be at the track during the month of June. I will be with my son doing Summer track on Tuesdays and Thursdays. So please help any newer runners that have joined us or show up in my absence.

Finally, this is a time of year when many of us are taking time off or are going on vacation, etc. The Facebook group page is a good resource to check in with each other to see who is going to be at the track or if anyone is doing a particular workout.


1. Rest week or road run


2. Maintenance mode or low intensity



Seek shade and an easy pace on the greenways.


Check out the Summer track progression





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