Monday, January 26, 2009

Running Around 1-26-09

I was considering hills again this week, but I think we'll put that off until next time. Many of the regulars ran Calhoun's, so we'll do some more tempo work this week since it's a little lower intensity workout. We'll bump up the distance by 400m to 2000m - that's 5 laps.

Recovery weeks
One thing I haven't mentioned in a while is taking recovery weeks during the training cycle. I recommend dropping your mileage 10-20% for one week every 4-7 weeks. Experiment a little to find the frequency that works best for you. The goal is to get some active recovery in middle of the training cycle. Instead of building, building, building, a single week of relative rest should yield fewer injuries as well as better performance.

Upcoming ...

2/7/09 Metro Knoxville XC Distance Clinic.
Featuring the legendary Dr. Jack Daniels. See for details.

Week 4 of 20 of training for Expo 10k/5k. Now for the workout summary:

1. 4-6 x 2000m@T pace w/60 rest in between. Volume should be 10% of your weekly mileage. Adjustments based on weekly mileage. All at T pace w/60s between regardless of distance.
25 mpw: 2x2000m
30 mpw: 800m + 2x2000m
35 mpw: 1600m + 2x2000m
40 mpw: 3x2000m
45 mpw: 1200m + 3x2000m
50 mpw: 4x2000m

2. Striders two times this week. 4-6 x 100m

Use a recent race to get your training paces here:


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