Running Around 11-10-08
I'll just cut straight to the chase this week. The main workout for this week is 1000m repeats. The short rest is going to make it tough, but it's not crazy hard. Try to keep the rest to 2:00 or less. If anyone did this workout last week as either the primary or secondary workout, do the 1b workout instead.
If you're running Buddy's, these are both good workouts for the week of a race. Since it is a Sunday race, I'll recommend doing some striders on Friday and/or Saturday to stay sharp. If you're not doing Buddy's, the T-pace maintenance is a good second workout for those who do 2 workouts.
As we wind down the fall season, this is the last tough workout. The next 2 weeks are going to be much easier!
Training week 14 of 16 until Autumfest 8k. Now for the workout summary:
1a. 3-10 x 1000m @I pace w/200m jog recovery. Volume should be around 8% of weekly mileage
1b. Sets of (1x800m + 1x400m + 2x200m) all@R pace. Rest is 400m jog following the 800 & 400. Rest is 200m jog following the 200s. So based on miles per week...
50 mpw: 2 sets + 800 + 400 + 200
45 mpw: 2 sets + 800 + 400
40 mpw: 2 sets + 800
35 mpw: 2 sets
30 mpw: 1 set + 800 + 2x200
25 mpw: 1 set + 400 + 200
20mpw: 1 set + 800
2. 3-6 x1600m @T pace w/60 seconds rest. 10% of weekly mileage.
3. Striders TWO times this week. 4-6 x 100m
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