Monday, October 20, 2008

Running Around 10-20-08

We're jumping back to 1200s this week. I'm sure there will be some groans upon reading that. I realize this is a tough workout. Doing easy workouts doesn't provide the dividends we're looking for; we need to train to improve our weaknesses.

Remember that the ideal duration is 4-5 minutes of hard running for each repeat. So, if your pace doesn't allow you to complete 1200m in 5 minutes or less, then do 1000m repeats instead. This week, we're also cutting back on the rest. Rest should be 400m jog in 30 less than your work time. For example, if you run 4:30 for 1200m, then keep the rest to 4:00 or less.

For those who do a 2nd workout each week, I'm giving you two options. I've added a hilly road run. For this, you should pick a distance that is a medium length. Since it is a workout, it should be long enough to make the effort a little bit difficult. I usually do 8 miles. Pick a route with plenty of hills of different lengths and grades. Start just like a regular run, but when you come to a hill, run it hard and fast like you're doing a hill workout. Then back off the pace and run easy until you get to the next hill. This is great road race training because the hills are all different and they are not at regular intervals. You're forced to run hard when you may not be fully recovered from the last one or after you've settled back in to a comfortable pace.

Training week 10 of 16 until Autumfest 8k. Now for the workout summary:

1. 2-6 x 1200m @I pace w/400m jog rest where rest time is 30 less than work time. Total distance of the hard running should be 7-8% of your weekly mileage.

50 mpw: 5x1200m -or- 6x1000m
45 mpw: 4x1200m + 1x800m -or- 5x1000m + 1x800m
40 mpw: 4x1200m -or- 5x1000m
35 mpw: 3x1200m + 1 x800m -or- 4x1000m
30 mpw: 3x1200m -or- 3x1000m + 1x800m
25 mpw 2x1200m + 1x800m -or- 3x1000m
20 mpw or less: 2x1200m -or- 2x1000m

2a. Hilly road run 6-8 miles with at least 6 hills.
2b. 3-6 x 1600m @T pace w/60 sec rest. Volume should be around 10% of weekly mileage.

3. Striders TWO times this week. 4-6 x 100m

Use a recent race to get your training paces here:


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