Sunday, November 02, 2008

Running Around 11-3-08

In case you haven't heard, tomorrow is election day, so before you do your workout, Go Vote! For the Knoxville runners, you can find out where to vote and look at a sample ballot here: ... you can find out information about the candidates here:

Our peak race for this training cycle is Autumnfest, but if you are not planning on running the race, Elijah could use some volunteers. This group has always been great about supporting each other on and off the track, so anything you can do to help a fellow Tuesday night regular would be appreciated. You can still help even if you are running. There is plenty of stuff to do before and after the race. You can talk to Elijah on Tuesday or send him an email at

For the workouts this week, we're working on sharpening for the races throughout the month of November. If you ran Millhouse 15k yesterday, and your legs are a little tired, it's OK to wait until Wednesday to do the workout. Since everyone responds differently to racing, I'll give the Millhouse runners the option of doing some T-pace miles instead of 400s. Even though it's a longer interval, I personally think it's easier to do T pace on tired legs.

Training week 13 of 16 until Autumfest 8k. Now for the workout summary:

1a. 5-12 x 400m @R pace w/400m jog recovery. The hard running should be 5% of weekly mileage. Total distance on the track should be about 10% weekly mileage.
1b. 3-6 x1600m @T pace w/60 seconds rest. 10% of weekly mileage/

2. 3-10 x 1000m @I pace w/200m jog recovery. Volume should be around 8% of weekly mileage.

3. Striders TWO times this week. 4-6 x 100m


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