Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Running Around 5•20•14

Running Around 5•20•14

Week 25 • Spring Training 2014

Sorry this is so late!

Final week of training before we have Expo 5k/10k on Saturday! We have put in a lot of hard work and many miles during this training cycle. I hope everyone has a good race or two along the way. This is the end of our Spring training cycle, so get out there, run hard, and don't hold anything back!!

I'm going to offer a couple of options this week. Typically, I like the patented taper/sharpening mix of a combination of light tempo and short, fast reps. So that will be option #1. However, I ran a hard workout during race week a couple of times last year and had some success with it. Whatever you decide to do is fine with me. The details below are for the maximum amount to run based on miles per week. Feel free to cut either workout down a little bit if you think it will help you race better.


1. 1-3 x 1200 @T pace w/60 seconds rest 
+ 1-2 x 400m @R pace w/400m jog 
+ 1-3 x 200m @R pace w/200m jog


2. 4-8 x 800m @I pace
w/ 200m jog recovery




Recommendations based on your weekly mileage.

45+ mpw: 3x1200@T w/60s + 2x400m@R w/400m jog + 3x200@R w/200 jog

40 mpw: 2x1200@T w/60s + 2x400m@R w/400m jog + 3x200m@R w/200m jog

35 mpw: 2x1200@T w/60s + 2x400m@R w/400m jog + 2x200m@R w/200m jog

30 mpw: 2x1200@T w/60s + 1x400m@R w/400m jog + 2x200m@R w/200m jog

<= 25 mpw: 1200@T w/60s + 1x400m@R w/400m jog + 3x200m@R w/200m jog

Optional alternative to the above workout  

Recovery is a 200m jog with a time that is between 90 seconds and 2 minutes. You be the judge of how much rest you need.

Recommendations based on mileage. Feel free to reduce the number if that suits you better for race week:
50 mpw: 8x 800m @I-pace
45 mpw: 7x 800m @I-pace
40 mpw: 6x 800m @I-pace
35 mpw: 5-6x 800m @I-pace
30 mpw: 5x 800m @I-pace
<=25 mpw: 4x 800m @I-pace

4-6x 100m striders


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