Sunday, August 04, 2013

Running Around 8•4•13

Running Around 8•4•13

Week 11 • Summer Training 2013

Final reminder about Thursday track meets. It was a great atmosphere two weeks ago - lots of folks running and cheering. You still have one more chance - this week on August 8. First event starts at 7:00 PM. All events at the Hardin Valley Academy track. Entry fee is $10 per meet. Events are as follows ...
     Thursday, August 8: 800m, 1 mile, 5000 m, Distance Medley Relay (1200m, 400m, 800m, 1600m) or Sprint Medley Relay (400m, 200m, 200m, 800m)

Complete details can be found at
Results from the first two meets are at:

I'm running in the meet this week, so I don't want to kill my legs with a workout on Tuesday. Instead I'm recommending that the official workout for this week is 1-4 events at the Thursday meet (note: small entry fee required unless you are only running the relay). If you are running Thursday, you might include some striders at the end of your normal training run on Tuesday.

If you are not interested in the meet or that doesn't work with your schedule, then the track workout is 400m repeats at R-pace followed by equal distance rest. This works well for early season running economy and also for a mini-focus for the Hal Canfield road mile on Labor Day. If you are NOT thinking about racing the mile, then you can opt for some tempo miles instead. See details below.

Emily Thompson has also invited us for another running/social option this week. The KTC Hood to Coast team is having a fun run and sendoff party at the Corner BP (corner of Broadway and Jackson). It will be a short run around downtown & WFP area starting at 5:30 followed by food & drinks anytime after 6.  It's only a couple miles from the track, so it's easy to head over there following the workout. Complete details at


1A. 5-10 x 400m @R pace


Recovery is equal distance, so 400m. Total distance for the hard running should be 5% of your weekly mileage. Recommendations based on mileage:

50 mpw: 10 x 400m @R pace w/400m jog
45 mpw: 9 x 400m @R pace w/400m jog
40 mpw: 8 x 400m @R pace w/400m jog
35 mpw: 7 x 400m @R pace w/400m jog
30 mpw: 6 x 400m @R pace w/400m jog
<=25 mpw:5 x 400m @R pace w/400m jog

Run 1 mile repeat for each 10 miles of weekly mileage (e.g 40 miles per week is 4 repeats). Three is the minimum.

4-6x 100m striders



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