Running Around 7.11.11
We'll continue this week with two options: one for those focusing on a mini training block for the mile race on Labor Day, and one for general racers.
For general racers (non-milers) it's still not time to hit the hard stuff. Let's continue a base+ workout - a progression run of 6-10 miles (somewhere in the neighborhood of 60-80 minutes). The progression run is just a fancy way of saying that we're going to run the second half harder than the first. So whatever distance you run, start easy. Then do the last 30 minutes about 30-60 seconds faster than your regular easy run pace.
If you're a non-miler and you've been doing the summer track progression of workouts, then you can continue with that if you want.
For milers, let's switch to pure & simple 400m repeats this week. You should be running these at or very near your mile race pace.
A note on the heat: I'm sure you are aware that the temperature is predicted to be 97 tomorrow. Typically the hotest part of the day is between 4:30-6:30pm. Given those conditions, I recommend that you do not do a track workout tomorrow at 5:30 pm. Do it in the morning or put it off for later in the week. If you are running in the evening, then hit the greenway where it's cooler and shady. The high for Wednesday is supposed to be 9 degrees cooler. 88 is still hot, but closer to something we are all more acclimated to.
Drink lots, wear sunscreen.
Workout Summary
1. Pick one ...
A. Milers: 4-10 x400m @R pace with 400m jog recovery. Total distance for the hard running should be about 5% of your weekly mileage. Recommendations based on mileage:
50 mpw: 7-8 x 400m
45 mpw: 6 x 400m
40 mpw: 5 x 400m
35 mpw: 4-5 x 400m
30 mpw: 4 x 400m
<=25 mpw: 3 x 400m
B. General racers: Progression Run. 60-80 minutes duration: 30-50 minutes easy + 30 minutes hard (30-60 seconds faster per mile).
C. Summer track progression:
Use a recent race to get your training paces here ...
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