Sunday, March 12, 2006

Running Around 3-12-06 (Week #10)

This marks our 5th and final week in phase 2. You should be comfortable with the intensity of these workouts now. The 800's are tough, but they'll pay off down the road. If you haven't done any hills during this phase, I encourage you to substitute the hill workout for this one.

I've had a bit of a setback with my hamstring, so it will be a while before I'm back on the track. I'm starting physical therapy on Monday, so hopefully that will get me back to where I can train hard soon.

Now for the workouts ... Week #10 in the training cycle and 11 weeks to Expo:

1. Sets of (200m @R with 200m jog, 200m @R w/400m jog, 800m @R w/400m jog).
Keeping in mind the 5% rule for volume, use the following guidelines based on your weekly mileage:
50: 3 sets + the 200's from a 4th set
45: 3 sets
40: 2 sets + 2 x 400m @R with 400m jog
35: 2 sets + the 200's from a 3rd set
30: 2 sets
25: 1 set + 2 x 400m @R with 400m jog

2. Striders TWO times this week. 6-8 x 100m

3. Optional second workout: 15 minutes @T pace, 3 minutes easy, 10 min @T pace, 2 min easy, 5 min @T pace.

Get your paces here ...

Marathoners .... 14 days until the Knoxville Marathon

The mantra for the next 2 weeks is "do no harm". You can't do much to improve your fitness between now and the race, but you can undermine all of your training by overdoing it now. You've put in the hard work. Enjoy the reduction in mileage -- you've earned it.

While fitness can't be improved much, you can do plenty to sharpen for race day. Keep up the quality running, sleep as much as you can, eat right and stay hydrated. If you start to feel antsy this week, then you know the taper is working. You'll probably feel like you need to be out running more. Resist the temptation.

Review last week's workout for mileage guidelines. Summary: I suggest reducing your mileage by 20%.

Now for the workouts:

1. 3-4 x 2400 @T pace with 2 minutes rest. Use your judgment on 3 or 4. Keep it under control. No faster than T pace!!
2. Long run this week should be 10 miles (or less).
3. Striders 2 days. 6 x 100
4. If your legs are feeling good, incorporate 2 miles at MP during an easy run on Thursday or Friday. If you're feeling a little tired, skip this one.

Get your paces here ...


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