Sunday, October 05, 2014

Running Around 10•5•14

Running Around 10•5•14

Week 19 • Fall Training 2014

We're going to continue working the I-pace stuff this week. To keep the progression moving forward, we'll drop the maximum allowed rest. With these workouts, the rest interval is extremely important. This week we'll do maximum rest time is 30 seconds less than your work time. So if you run your hard laps in 4:30, then maximum rest is 4:00.

We'll stick with 1200m repeats at I-pace. However, if you cannot complete 1200m at your I-pace in 5 minutes or less, then drop down to 1000m repeats instead.

The secondary workout for later in the week is our bread & butter T-pace mile repeats. If you want some variety, you can do these on the roads or greenways. If you have a race you are targeting, it's also great preparation to run these on the course.

For those of you working toward the new Farragut Half in about a month, I ran the course this weekend, and in general, I think it's tougher than both Knoxville Half and Straw Plains half. The toughest hills are all packed into one section between 3 & 6 miles. Then the last couple of miles is a long, gradual climb. So work those hills in training if you are planning to run this one.


1. 3-8 x 1200m (or 1000m) @I pace



Recovery time should be 30s less than your interval time. Jog 200m-400m (whatever works for you) during that time. Volume should be 7-8% of weekly mileage for the hard running. Run 1000m repeats if you cannot complete 1200m in less than 5 minutes.

If you are running 1200s a good rule of thumb is one repeat for every 10 miles of weekly mileage.

If you are running 1000s:

50 mpw: 6-7 x 1000m @I pace
45 mpw: 5-6 x 1000m @I pace
40 mpw: 5 x 1000m @I pace
35 mpw: 4-5 x 1000m @I pace
30 mpw: 4 x 1000m @I pace
25 mpw or less: 3 x 1000m @I pace

Run 1 mile repeat for each 10 miles of weekly mileage (e.g 40 miles per week is 4 repeats). Three is the minimum.

4-6x 100m striders


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