Running Around 11.13.11
We're getting down to the end of the Fall training season now. Everyone should be in great shape from all of the hard work we've put in since way back in May! If you're racing in the next few weeks, now is the time to turn it loose and run fast!!
We only have 10 more training days between now and Thanskgiving, so this is always a tricky workout to plan. Let's do another mix of 800s and 400s, but we'll reduce the rest to sharpen up a little bit. All the rest intervals will be 200m jog. If feel like this workout is too much volume this late in the season, feel free to cut it down by dropping some of the reps.
Workout A is for Tuesday, but I'm also going to include workout B that you should run on Saturday. That will work well for the timing of a Thursday race. You can do it on Friday or Sunday if that works better for your schedule, though.
Workout Summary
A. 2-4x 800m @I pace with 200m jog + 3-8x 800m @R with 200m jog. Recommendations based on weekly mileage:
50 mpw: 4x 800m @I + 6x 400m @R (200m jog recovery for all)
45 mpw: 4x 800m @I + 5x 400m @R (200m jog recovery for all)
40 mpw: 4x 800m @I + 4x 400m @R (200m jog recovery for all)
35 mpw: 3x 800m @I + 4x 400m @R (200m jog recovery for all)
30 mpw: 2x 800m @I + 5x 400m @R (200m jog recovery for all)
25 mpw: 2x 800m @I + 3x 400m @R (200m jog recovery for all)
B. [Recommended Sat workout] 1-3 x 1200m @T pace w/60 seconds rest + 1-2 x 400@R pace with 400m jog + 1-4 x 200@R pace with 200m jog. There are no set recommendations for mileage. Just go by what you feel is a light workout. It should feel much easier than our typical workouts since it is just a few days before our last race of the season.
Plug in a recent race result to get your training paces here ...

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