Running Around 4.11.11
This week we're going to build on the I-pace stuff we have been doing by mixing in some 200m repeats at R-pace. All of the recoveries will be a short 200m jog. This workout has 2 goals. First, it will help us when we transition to some faster running (mostly R-pace) in a couple of weeks. Also, we will work on being strong and efficient when the pace is changing. In a race, it's rare to run a steady pace/effort throughout. Sometime there are hills or surges that require a quick change of gears that sting your legs or leave you breathing harder than you'd like. You need to gather yourself and get back on pace and into rythym again. I'm hoping this will help simulate that, and help us work on being more efficient in those situations.
We're going to do sets of 200m repeats at R-pace followed by 800m at I-pace. The recovery is going to be 200m jog following the hard running. So a full set is (200m @R + 200m jog + 800m @I + 200m jog). That will be repeated from 2-5 times depending on your weekly mileage. For some of you, there is an extra 200m @R + 200m jog added on to make the total mileage work out right.
Note that my group (50 mpw) will be doing 1200m repeats for the I-pace followed by 400m jog.
Week 13 of Spring 2011 training. Now for the workout summary.
1. Sets of (200m @R with 200m jog + 800m @I with 200m jog). Recommendations based on weekly mileage:
50 mpw: 3x (200m@R + 1200m @I) + 200m@R ... with 200m recovery following 200s and 400m recovery following 1200s.
45 mpw: 5x (200m@R + 800m@I ) ... all with 200m jog recoveries.
40 mpw: 4x (200m@R + 800m@I ) + 1x 200m @R all with 200m jog recoveries.
35 mpw: 4x (200m@R + 800m@I ) ... all with 200m jog recoveries.
30 mpw: 3x (200m@R + 800m@I ) + 1x 200m @R all with 200m jog recoveries.
25 mpw: 3x (200m@R + 800m@I ) ... all with 200m jog recoveries.
20 mpw: 2x (200m@R + 800m@I ) + 1x 200m @R ... all with 200m jog recoveries.
2. Striders at least once this week 4-6x 100m.
3. [Optional 2nd weekly workout Thurs/Fri] :
Race or 3-6 x 1600m @T pace with 60 seconds rest. Volume should be 10% of your weekly mileage.
Use a recent race to get your training paces here:
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