Sunday, September 23, 2007

Running Around 9-23-07

One thing I forgot to mention last week. When we do I-pace workouts, it's important to keep the rest interval less than or equal to work time.

We'll increase the length of our T intervals this week and make the I workout the secondary, optional workout. If you're feeling frisky, go ahead and add 2x200m @R pace at the end.

Now for the workouts ... 8 weeks until Autumnfest 8k:

1. 2-5 x 2000m @T pace with 75 seconds rest. Volume of the T running should be 10% of your weekly mileage. Adjust the last one if you need to. Here are some guidelines:
<= 30 miles per week: 2000, 2000, 800
35 mpw = 2000, 2000,1600
40 mpw = 3x2000m
45 mpw = 3x2000m, 1200m
50 mpw = 4x2000m

2. 2-5 x 1200m @I
pace with 400m jog recovery. Keep the rest time less than or equal to work time. The volume of the I running should be around 7-8% of your weekly mileage.

3. Striders. 4-6x100m twice this week.

Get your paces here: -or-


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