Monday, April 23, 2007

Running Around 4-23-07

First, please note that there will be a track meet at UT on 5/1 (next week), so we will need another place to meet. I'm thinking the best solution might be to move our workout to Wednesday 5/2. I know that conflicts with the Wed group run, but it might also give others who can't make the usual Tuesday workout an opportunity to attend. Other ideas: meet at a different track, meet for a road run of the new Expo course. If anyone has suggestions or a preference, please let me know.

The Spring racing season is now in full swing. Lots of races to choose from over the coming weeks, but this weekend is one of the featured races, the Dogwood Classic 5k. This is a good opportunity to gauge your progress with respect to peaking at Expo in a few weeks. With that in mind, we'll back off on the intensity a little for the workout.

We'll start with some tempo pace to add volume without adding a whole lot of stress. Remember that tempo should be relatively comfortable and evenly paced. We'll add some 200s to keep the R pace in the mix. By keeping the distance short, we should be able to get a good workout without overdoing it for Dogwood.

If Dogwood is not a race you are focusing on, you can do 400s instead of 200s.

Now for the workouts ... 5 weeks until Expo 10k:

1. 2 x 1600m @T pace w/1:00 rest + 2-5 x 200m @R pace w/200m jog recovery. Or substitute 2-5 x 400m w/ 400m jog recovery.

2. Striders. 4-6x100m twice this week.

Get your paces here: -or-


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